* jij:\Vś-*.vrńłfce pr««eA* p«rf«cf ni*b- The <<r& tal Iww- lift llftc
W$$- per&MK .ifń tite. .ygrfe. 1?. fec. * .tlw.Ą^lfwsi: *f|. | jthe jjjjjŚjlg *WIA^ ::::::::: i i i j
* jlt mm *« lfc sf >*h fcivW^ccrtjirj $jhęixis* ^
......i-śpfi: '^SK^jWftiia «*■'&£> Uwig l'
islfttc,: : : : iii!
fcfjw :£$ g g g
^i-ś&Hfcf’: Kds: : beoś **ałt« Ql:or : : śiriiBfc:22 ^ ^jtjjifó: j
1. John has been cfoinga lat of work arourvd his h-ouse teday and naw he‘s feeling reaJly t ired. Can you f ind all that he’s been doing? Tn the box you have some verbs to help you.
2. Wpita je.nt£nć«abautth£5e situatiaw^uafi^tKe prescnł pcff«t Mnfiimus and s inc.fi ar for. Followfhe. example.
£. g. Mark is a baskei bali player. He siaried playi/ig i r lJiree y ears ago.
Mark has & m plcąing oastei bali'fonfoeeyeart.
\ 4
Wy {Krerrts live in ^Ibufeira. TKey mav£d tliere in 1999.
Vićtaria.u learning Japares^ She.5tcTted l«t manths.
Themenflr&washing up. They started tiwj hoirsago.
rtnnand! K&vin are rebu ilding th&ir hause. Th ey bought it lest summe-r.
Thegar-dere-r is planting rcsebushes. Ke started after lunch.tirne.
Theyare married. Theygot marrled 25 years ago.