Chapter 4_Hanc! and Wrist
Figurę 4-39, Bunnell-Littler test. A, Metacarpophalangeal joint extended. B, Metacarpophalangeal joint flexed> interphalangeal joint fkwion increased.C, Metacarpophalangeal joint flexed> interphalangeal joint flexion unchanged. D, Metacarpophalangeal joint flexed, interphalangeal joint flexion decreased.
Radial abduction can also be measured in the piane of the palm. To assess radial abduction, the patient is asked to bring the extended thumb as far away from the index finger as possible while keeping it in the piane of the palm (Fig. 4-47). Radial abduction may be assessed with the forearm either pronated or supinated. It is quan-
titated by measuring the angle between the axis of the thumb and the axis of the index Finger. In the normal individual, this measures about 70° to 80°.
Opposition. The most distinctive motion of the basilar joint is opposition. True opposition involves palmar abduction and rotation (pronation) of the entire thumb