

>hoes and Pałtens

th century but as shoes, which do id are therefore historians, occur here in the coun-;em to constitute over a century. susceptible than i, sińce the draw-doned here some lfashionable else-suggestion is that le London water-:e these changes ind thus that any •ely illusory. The iiuscripts is totally ial, and this must which they were 1 them. The rangę collection is morę uscripts seems to 1 this again brings e wearers and the he Thames river->ecific sites - cess nonastic sites and ter some of the the footwear of


(see also, Thomton 1983)




Clump sole Continuous lacing Cordwain



Flesh side Forepart Grain side Heel-stiffener



ter (mid 14th-ting apples. A pair rded at the bottom !)

Item of footwear which extends to just above the ankle.

Item of footwear which extends considerably above the ankle.

Low stocking of linen or silk. The term is sometimes used also for a type of high boot.


Lacing with a single long lace, as opposed to several latchets.

Term properly used for leather from Cordoba in Southern Spain. Originally madę from sheep- or goatskin, later from cattle hide.

engraved: executed with a blunt-edged tool. incised: executed with a sharp-edged tool.

scraped: a thin layer of the grain surface of the leather is scraped away over an area to create a contrasting surface effect.

Fastening achieved by passing a leather thong either through a number of short paired slits in the shoe upper (Fig. 24) or through a series of vertical thongs (Fig. 15).

Original inner face of the leather.

Front section of shoe or sole.

Outer surface of the leather, originally bearing the wool, fur or hair.

Piece of leather, usually triangular in form, stitched to the ąuarters on the inside for strengthening.

Piece of leather joined to the vamp or ąuarters to make up missing height or width (Fig. 164).

Upper surface of the foot between the rear of the toes and the ankle joint.

164 The main parts of a shoe.


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