Q |
ZOLA sweater |
Sizcs SI: 2-4. S2: 6-8, S3s IO-I2, S4: 14-16. S5: 18-20 6t |
PIgBse foSiow msl/uclrons on pago 23. |
UK‘4 1/2 mm. needlos over |
c-«:ry 10 rows, cblainłog S1: FRONT: Work as back wnoś 5 s», S3 once 6 sls, sto. S2 108 «s S3 110 sts. |
stor* st = 18 sts and 25 rows
twice 5 sts. S4 3timas6sts. S5: twice 7 sts, once 6 sts.
12 133^; 4 i/r/iwisaw
23 58Y24"/24 3«*/24 3H725 U8*
* 18 !i8*/18 1/2Virrt9 t/f/19 ŁB* Nf41 151/8*
20 7JT
'9 3 1/2*
40i'44,4&'52/M 15 3/4717 3,8719720 1,77227/8* Bock and Irom
38 15*
11/4*'23 &8*>24'/24 3«*,24
15715 Ł8715 39'itB 110716 1/2*
LAINES 80UT0N D OR (WINĘ. Nwr 0383: S1 '* bals. S2 12baCs.S3: 13bafls, W 14 bats, S5:15 teBs. LAINES ANNY BLATT GYP'S COCKTAIL Brillant m- SI 5tols.S2i6bak.SJ 7bak.S4 8ta».S5:9bak Knilting needfes sto 4. 6, 8 and 9 TłSI 9, 7. 5 and -1 UK7 31/2,4 1/2,51/2 and 6 mm
STITCHES USED: 1/1 rib, stockinette stitch (stock st). * rep betweon " as many nmes as indcaled ottiurwise trt tho ond of the row Dcc 1 st within 12 RH edgo sts 12SIS.SKP.
Dec 1 st within 12 LH edgo sts: k 2 tog. 12 sts
GAUGE 4 n'10 cm sęuire wth Diine « Gjp* xti Ś2S 6 US'7
BACK Caston SI: 188 sts. S2 206 sts. S3 226 sts, S4 244 sls S5 272 sts with Div.ne • G,p's and sto 9 US/4 UK/6 rmi needles. werk in stock st as łoił: 4 rows rwih sto 0 US/4 UK/6 mm nee-dlos, 4 rows with sto 8 US'5 UK/51/2 mm needlcs. 4 rows willt sto 6 US'7 UK/4 1/2 mm needes. spacing SI. 61 decs S2: 66 decs. S3 73 decs, S4: 78 decs 55 87 decs across tha 1st row, leav-S1 127 sts. S2: 140 sts, 153 s». S4:166 sts. S5: 185 sts, 2 rows with sjzu 6 US'7 UK/4 1/2 mm needlcs. spacing SI 55 decs. S2 61) obcs. 53 67 dccs. S4 72 decs. S5 81 decs. leamng S1 12 sls, S2 80 sts. S3 86 sts. S4:94 sts S5 104 s» Cent (or 4 rows m 1/1 rb Hien bnd olf each sde within 12 edgo sls: 4 trnes 1 sl eveiy 2 rows. IcaWng S1 64 siu. 52 72 SIS S3 TSsts, S4 156 sts, S5 96 sls
At the same limę cent in stock sl with sto 4 US/9 UK/3 112 mm needlcs wwking 20 rows straoht Ihen cont wilh STO 6 US/7 UK'4 1-2 mm .needlcs. and inc each side: tracę 1 st cror, 12 rows. tańce 1 st 72 sls. S2 80 sts S3 56 sts. S4 94&SS.104&
At 16 1/B m<41 cm Irom beg to shspe Ihe airnhofes bind olf each side. ever/ 2 rows:
51 once 3 sts. once 2 sts. twfce 1 *t. S2 orce 3 sts. twce 2 sts, twtoo 1 st S3 once 3 sta, 3 times 2 sls. lwico 1 st S4 once 3 sts 3 limes 2 sts. 4 times 1 st, S5 once 3 sts, 5 limes 2 sts, 3 limes 1 st tesrrirg SI: 59 sts.
52 62 sts. S3 64 sts. S4:69 sis. S5 72 sls.
A: Sl 23 5/8 n<G0 cm. S2: 24in«1em, S3:24 3/8 im S4 24 3.M h/63 cm. S5: 26 1/8 iiV64 cm from boa to shape the shoulders bind otl evaty 2 rows S1: once 5 sts. twice 4 sts. S2 3 times 5 sts. S3- once 6 sts. twtca 5 sts. S4 3tm>s5 6sts. S$ twice 7 sts. once 6 sto. bnd o/f rem 32 sb for the micklne.
2nd fkwince: Willi stre 6 US'7 UK/4 1/2 mm needes fcmt up sts 4 rows abo,e toe tast rcrw in 1/1 rtb, wwk as fal 2 ro.vs in stcck sl with Slze 6 US7 UK/4 1/2 mm needlcs 1 row with sto 8 US/5 UK/5 1/2 mm neeclos *1 st. yo'. 1 st. p 1 row, 1 row wim STO 9 US/4 UK/6 mm needter *1 sL yo*. 1 st. p 1 row. 6 rows in stock st.
except rsckłne,
AtSf 181/8nW>cm. S2:18 1/2 lu‘47 cm. S3:19 W48 cm, S4 19 1/4 n/49 cm, S5 19 5/8 irV50 cm from tog to snape tho necklre bnd olf centra 18 sts. cent each part separalely ohding oS at noek-lino edgo twory 2 rows cncc 3sts.once2sts.tw»ce 1 st At SI: 23 5/8 VvE0 cm, S2:
24 n'61 cm. S3: 24 3/8 ln-62 cm. S4 24 Zi4 in,«3 cm S5
25 1/8 in/64 cm frem bea to sliape the shoulders bnd o// each sde. every 2 rows: SI: orce 5 sls, twice 4 sls, S2. 3
SLEEVES: Casl on SI 70 sts, S2 72 sts S3 74 sls. S4. 76 sls. S5. 78 sls w.th Dłvnc * Gyp's and sto 4 US/9 UK/3 1:2 mm neodies. werk 8 rows n 1/1 rib Cent in stock sl speang 34 ines across Ihs Ist row, obtainrg SI: IW sts. S2:106 sts. S3 108 Sls. S4 110 Sts. S5 112 $18. e row. then oont willi size 9 US'4 UK'6 mm nccdtes inc 1 sl cach side on Pio 6th row, cblnining SI: 106
S4 112 sts. S5 114 sls.
Al 2 38 in/6 cm trem beg to shapo the cap bind 0* each side. mery 2 rowy S1 once 4 sts, once 2 sts 13 Ires 1 st S2 orico 4 sls, twi» 2 sts. 12 limes 1 st S3 erce 4 $5. 3 ima 2 sls, 11 nmec 1 sl. S4 orce 4 jts, 4 smes 2 sls. 10 śmes 1 $C S5: oce 4 sts. 5 times 2 sts, 9 a mes 1 st. leanng 68 sts, woik wth aze 6 USo UK/4 1/2 rm reedes as W: *1 st. 1:3 tog*, pi rew, łtow ‘Ist k 3 tog\Tiind oll alt sts.
F1NISHING Jon snoulder and side seams.
Sew and mount stoeues stghtly gathered
Sizcs Sl: 4-h. S2: MO, S3: 12-14. S4: I6-1K
Pfeaso lollcm