testy z ticzer booka

testy z ticzer booka

Test 3 (Modules 5 and 6)

Internet Cafe

Fast Internet Access from £1 Open 9 a.m.-ll p.m. 7 days Surf the Net or just email Hot and cold drinks available No smoking


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to, don't have to, can or can't.

You can't drink in the libraiy.

1 You....

. wear jeans at the Wacky Club, if you like.

2 You ....

eat sandwiches in the library.

3 You ....

leave the library at 5 p.m.

4 You ....

make photocopies in the library.

5 You ....

use your mobile phone in the library.

6 You ....

pay at the Wacky Club before 10 p.m. on


7 You ....

pay at the Wacky Club after 10 p.m.

8 You ....

leave the Wacky Club at midnight.

9 You.....

go to the Wacky Club if you are seventeen.

10 You .....

wear jeans at the Wacky Club if you don't

want to

(Score: 10)

2 Circle the correct verb.

You(garl/must havę a cold drink in the Internet cafe.

1    You must/needn’t pay when you use the Internet in the cafe.

2    You mustn't/needn't smoke in the cafe.

3    You can/can't go to the cafe on Sundays.

4    You have to/can send and receive emails in the cafe.

5    You can't/don't have to use the Internet when you are in the cafe.

(Score: 5)

3 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the correct form.

A: There are several French restaurants in my town. I think Chez Monique is probably the most popular

(popular). Their chef is one of the 1.....(good)

French chefs in the country. Chez Monique is always

.....(busy) than anywhere else.

B: Is it3.....(expensive) restaurant in the town?

A: No, Ul4.....(not/expensive) as some of the others.

I love French food - ifs 5.....(interesting) and 6.....

(tasty) than traditional English food, isn't it?

B: I'm not surę. I don't think English cooking is 7.....

(boring) or8.....(bad) as some people say. In fact, I

think some English dishes are just9.....(delicious)

as French or Italian cuisine. Perhaps10.....

(important) thing is to have a healthy and varied diet.

(Score: 10)

4    Complete the multi-part verbs in the sentences.

They got together every evening to revise for their exams.

1    It was 2 a.m. when she got.....home from the


2    They never tum.....on time. The/re always late.

3    A: Does he get.....well with his older brother?

B: Yes, the/re good friends.

4    And/s got.....university to study erigineering.

5    Do people dress.....when they go to the theatre in

your country?

6    They both like sport and musie so they get.....well.

7    Its a formal dinner so he'll have to put a tie......

8    We might go camping next week. It depends.....

the weather.

9    A: What have you been getting.....to sińce I last

saw you? B: Nothing much.

10 Lefs get.....at the weekend and have a barbeeue.

(Score: 10)

5    Match the sentences (1-11) and the responses (a-k).

1    Here's a present for you. (c)

2    Ifs my birthday today. ( )

3    My siste^s just had a baby boy. ( )

4    I've won €2,000 in the Lottery. ( )

5    Congratulations on your exam results. ( )

6    I've passed all my exams. ( )

7    Ann and I are going to get married. ( )

8    Could I open a window, please? ( )

9    Lefs go to the cinema on Saturday. ( )

10    Could I use your Computer, please? ( )

11    I'm feeling very tired. ( )

a)    What are they going to cali him?

b)    Thanks. I'm really pleased.

c)    Thank you very much.

d)    When's the big day?

e)    No, Fm sorry. Ifs broken.

f)    You lucky thing!

g)    Yes, of course. I'm getting hot too.

h)    You should go to bed early tonight.

i)    Happy birthday.

j)    ThaFs a good idea. I'm free then.

k)    Congratulations.

(Score: 10)

6 Put the words in the correct order and write sentences.

She wears (trendy quite clothes).

She wears quite trendy clothes.

1    He's got (blue eyes lovely big)......

2    They had a (reception very wedding formal)......

3    He lost his (leather expensive bag black new)......

4    She gave us some (home-made really cake delicious).

5    These (awful trousers cotton white) look very old-


(Score: 5)

Total score: 50


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