Test 1 Czasy teraźniejsze
Wybierz prawidłową formę czasownika.
0 This semester weiare studyingj/ study the Second World War.
Q z rzś: . - : - : : ci-i Tagmenty zdań na język ar r = .:-c. i_r i: czasowników w odpowiedniej
fo— = zzLi. : m Simple lub Present
1 My mother is a doctor. And what is yourfather doing / does yourfather doi
2 My two best friends are lawyers. But theyTe not working / don't work at the moment.
3 Most banks in my area are closing / close at 5.30 p.m.
4 Bad news. The price of petrol's going up / goes up again.
5 Do you speak / Are you speaking any other foreign languages?
6 Hurry up! We're running / run late!
0 '_ zadaje) me questions all
- " w__(myślisz) about?
2 ~ i—l c : __(nie
c:~ - - -umber.
3 •__'potrzebujesz) so much
e dem) much about
Wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrażenia, utwórz zdania oznajmujące (+), przeczące (-) lub pytania (?) w czasie Present Simple lub Present C ontinuous.
0 I don't like broccoli. (?) (Tom, spinach)
Does Tom like spinach?
1 I am learningjapanese. (?) you, Chinese)
7 0- ::-
ona się śmieje)? What's
(pada deszcz) again!
W sta ~ ziasawMME m - im asach w odpowiedniej form ż zza. . ~ £ ub Present
2 Where do you come from? -) (myfather, Germany)
3 Are you talking on the phone? - (she, on Skype)
4 We go to the cinema ever. week. (?) (he, often)
5 Ella gets up early on Saturda.s. - Bethany and Alexia, on Sundays)
M> z- • *: zarae _ goj well and, to my
surprse _ enjoy)itvery
muc- -u- - "z _m mmc medrivingschool
inrr.m-- _ seem)very
profess : m «■*: -:sc about them is
thattre ____ćeel) like friends
rather mm-.cyers. . ..--aking a lot of
stup;c ~ mło .zr£' z .r m i. keep saying: 'Don't
worr> vi-__learn). Everybody
5__ssc cc go through this stage'.
They a : _jconcentrate) on
the pos m.e . * :__(support) me
in ever. # z
lt's grea::- m -ob rr.--». mool
8_ me course with me.
At the —: ^___
(pracdse : mmmmm ~ m : euvres. Anna
10_ : mam really difficult but
she 11__cer oetter and better.
112_ ~ e will both pass our
drivingcesc -
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