Those insiruclions are writ len espccially for pcople w ho, liki* >tiu. havt* only iwo hands. Tik)' a lnu li .md readon. Vłii‘ll «!•» Iirw
Start by Uathiritijj a lundful of hair from the top of tfu* head. Basy.
I)ivid«* thisswłion juto Ihrce atraiuU and rroHlhe rifttit Hien Ilu* left-ow ilu* center (just likeahaMc hraid). Ilold all Hm- luir iii tłwleft lundasNlłown
Puli a smali section «>f hair
łsw k front Ihe nj^hl sidoof thr face and add it lot ho
rtóhl łtrand..