

GathWa handful of hair from the top of the head and divide it intothreevtramk Cross first the riftht-then the N-ft -mor the center as ifyou wre Martin# a baw

Mii1iurn to tong hair.

This is a style you musi learn Itsbeautifiil. siniple. and it works as woli in the jmml as it does at the prom.

Prench hraids aro j ust like basie braids. except that you start with a smali sectkm of hair. and gradually add hair as you hraid along.

What followsare instruc tions for the (kisić bark of the head Prcnch hraid. Dont panie if it s not cnough.Tl rn to pa#e62 for the real. hands on insi rur tions.

Add setne new hair to the riRht strand to make one biRtfer strand. Cross the whole thin# mer the center.

Nowaddsome hair to the left strand and cross it over the center.


Repeat steps 2 and :i until all the hair lus been added into the hraid,

t|tcn linishoffwith    dd Uso an ciast łc band on lhe ead.



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