Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key01

Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key01

Answer key

Unit 1 Test A

O 1 kitę. 2 skateboard. 3 Jigsaw. 4 skis. 5 guitar

0    1 has. 2 Is. 3 has. 4 Is. 5 is

©1 eleven, 2 flfteen. 3 t wen ty. 4 forty-two.

5 seventyone

01    Sally łsn*t at the airport. 2 Have you got a brother? 3 Kate hasn"t got a bike. 4 Sam has got three children. 5 Carrie is American.

© 1 I am. 2 I haven‘t. 3 I‘m not. 4 I do. 5 I have. © 1 No. she hasn‘t. 2 Yes. she is. 3 Yes. she has.

4 Yes, she is. 5 No, she hasn't.

0 1 years. 2 is. 3 has got. 4 musie. 5 called ©IX. 2 ✓, 3 ✓. 4 X. 5 X O Students" own answers.

1 hair. 2 black, 3 paint. 4 thirteen. 5 snake




9 eat

4 kitę

i gamę

3 three

s ride

Unit 1 Test B

O 1 piano. 2 Jigsaw. 3 skis. 4 bike. 5 skateboard 0 1 Is, 2 is. 3 has. 4 Is. 5 has © 1 twelve. 2 sixteen. 3 fifty. 4 thirty-two,

5 eighty-seven

© 1 Sally lsn't a film star. 2 Have you got a dog?

3    Tom hasn't got a cat. 4 Sam has got lots of pets.

5 Carrie is English.

© 1 I am. 2 I do. 3 I haven't. 4 I’m not. 5 I have. ©1 Yes. she has. 2 Yes. she is. 3 Yes. she has.

4    No. she lsn"t. 5 Yes. she has.

©1 old. 2 is. 3 animals, 4 has got. 5 called ©IX. 2 X. 3 ✓, 4 ✓. 5 X 0 Students" own answers.

ąJJ: 1 shoes. 2 fourteen, 3 cat, 4 hair. 5 blue



/ai /


9. eat

4 night

i skate

3 cheese

5 kito

Unit 2 Test A

Ol wash. 2 do, 3 get. 4 wash, 5 clean 0i to. 2 got. 3 go. 4 Do. 5 the © 1 and. 2 but. 3 or. 4 and. 5 but

Ol No. I don't. 2 I play with my brother. 3 No. he doesn"t. 4 In Edinburgh. 5 Rock and metal.

© I like / don't like cleaning 2 like / don't like playing 3 likes / doesn't like watching 4 like / don"t like doing 5 like / don't like going ©2. 1.3. 6. 5.4

0 I Yes. she does. 2 No. he doesn't. 3 Yes. they do.

4    No, she doesn't. 5 Yes. they do.

© 1 ✓. 2 X. 3 X. 4 ✓. 5 X

O Students" own answers.

(Jg) 1 bike. 2 cycling. 3 guitar. 4 volleyball.

5    puzzle

0 2 phoning, 3 going. 4 playing. 5 cooking.

6    feeding

Unit 2 Test B

O 1 get. 2 wash. 3 cook. 4 clean, 5 wash

0 I Has. 2 Does. 3 go. 4 with. 5 my / a © 1 or. 2 and. 3 but. 4 and. 5 or

01    Yes. I have. 2 No. he doesn"t. 3 Swimmingand skiing. 4 Cereal. 5 Rock and metal.

© I like / don"t like meeting 2 like / don't like listening 3 likes/doesn't like watching 4 likes/ doesn’t like reading 5 like / don"t like going © 3. 6. 5. 4. 2. 1

0 I Yes. she does. 2 No. she doesn’t. 3 No. they don't, 4 No. she doesn"t. 5 Yes. they do.

© 1 X. 2 ✓. 3 ✓. 4 X. 5 ✓

© Students" own answers.

$ 1 kitę. 2 dancing. 3 guitar. 4 basketball.

5    puzzle

0 2 going. 3 eating, 4 feeding. 5 riding.

6    listening

Unit 3 Test A

O 1 She’s reading. 2 It"s eating. 3 She"s walking.

4    They"re sleeping. 5 He"s washing.

0 I Are they playing the piano? 2 Where do you live?

3    Is your house big? 4 What is she doing?

5    Is there a garden?

© I I am. 2 there are. 3 she isn't. 4 I do.

5 it isn"t.

© I livingroom. 2 mirror, 3 bedroom.

4    cupboard, 5 bookcase

© I having. 2 doing. 3 playing. 4 brushing.

5    waiting

© 1 ✓. 2 ✓. 3 X. 4 ✓. 5 X

0 I E, 2 A, 3 C. 4 D. 5 F


Answer key

© Oxford University Press



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