Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key03

Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key03

Answer key

©i What do bals do at night? 2 What is that monkey eating? 3 Does she like mice? 4 Wheredo crocodiles hunt? 5 What is that bear doing?

©ID. 2 A, 3 B, 4 D. 5 C © 1 Elephants. 2 walk. 3 flsh, 4 Horses.

5 twenty

© Students" own answers. O Students" own answers.

© Possible answers:

1 A crocodile is a big animal. 2 Bats aren"l birds.

3    Horses don‘t live in forests. 4 A tiger doesn't eat vegetables. 5 Goats don't comc* from eggs.

Unit 4 Test B

0    1 drinking. 2 eats, 3 plays. 4 sleeping 5 lies

01    cow. 2 pig, 3 chicken, 4 duck. 5 sheep © 1 is sleeping. 2 aren’t, 3 live. 4 fight. 5 Do O 1 is watching. 2 helps, 3 "m not sleeping.

4    work. 5 is jumping

© 1 Where do tigers hunt? 2 What is this bird doing? 3 What do bears do in winter? 4 What is the foal eating? 5 Does she like spiders?

0    1 C. 2 D, 3 C, 4 B. 5 A

01    Jump. 2 Ants. 3 River. 4 sleep. 5 Lions © Students" own answers.

© Students" own answers.

© Possible answers:

1 A foal is a smali horse. 2 Bats aren"l birds.

3 Cows don"t live in forests. 4 Elephants are very big animals. 5 Cats don't come from eggs.

Unit 5 Test A

0 1 bank. 2 school. 3 library. 4 shop. 5 pool

01 right. 2 opposite. 3 between. 4 ne.\t to, 5 lefl © 1 next. 2 the. 3 a. 4 by. 5 lots

O 1 is. 2 there are. 3 there isn't. 4 I do.

5 He llves in / In

© I Go along this Street. 2 Turn left. 3 Don"t turn right. 4 Where is the bus station? 5 Is there a bank (here)?

0 I in. 2 near. 3 There. 4 are. 5 visit © 1 ✓. 2 X. 3 ✓. 4 ✓. 5 ✓

© Students" own answers.

0 Students" own answers.

0 1 library. 2 beach. 3 restaurant. 4 park.

5 shop

©1 There is a bookshop. 2 Is there a castle in the / your town? 3 There are a lots of restaurants.

4    The bank is on the left. 5 Where ls your school?

Unit 5 Test B

0    l cinema. 2 market. 3 station. 4 bank.

5    school

01    between. 2 next to/near. 3 right. 4 left.

5 opposite

© I a. 2 by. 3 lots. 4 next. 5 the

O l there isn"t. 2 1 do. 3 I live in / In. 4 is.

5 there are.

©I Don’t turn left. 2 Where is the swimming pool?

3 Is there a cinema (here)? 4 Go along this Street.

5 Turn left.

0 I near. 2 in. 3 are. 4 go. 5 There © 1 ✓. 2 ✓. 3 X. 4 X. 5 ✓

© Students" own answers.

0 Students" own answers.

© 1 park, 2 shop. 3 library. 4 beach 5 museum ©l There are a lots of shops. 2 The park is on the right. 3 Where is your school? 4 There is a supermarket. 5 Is there a museum in the / your town?

Unit 6 Test A

O l road, 2 lakę. 3 beach. 4 field. 5 mountain © I You mustn’t pick Ilowers. 2 You must be quiet.

3 You must turn right. 4 You mustn't feed the animals.

© 1 cows. 2 sandwiches. 3 women. 4 mice.

5 lorrles. 6 children

0 I Jenny's. 2 cat"s. 3 fdend’s 4 dad"s 5 boy’s © I Whose pencll is this? 2 Can we have a pienie here? 3 Is this Mark"s bike? 4 Where can we camp? 5 How many oranges are there?

0 I eat, 2 wear. 3 say, 4 write. 5 put ©I (They can) play volleyball. 2 (They mustn't swim) near the waterfall. 3 (They walk) up and down the mountain paths. 4 (They mustn't walk) on the flowers. 5 Yes. they can.

70 Answer key

© Oxford University Press



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