Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key07

Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key07

Answer key

Unit 10 Test B

O 1 quarter past twelve, 2 4.30. 3 ten past four.

i 6.50. 5 ąuarter to eleven 0 1 didn’t answer. 2 didn't live, 3 phoned,

4    played, 5 started

©1 played. 2 phoned. 3 jumped. 4 brushed.

5    walked

O 1 past, 2 What, 3 Did. 4 crash. 5 at © 1 Did you walk to school? 2 They didn't climb the tree. 3 Did she open the case? 4 1 didn't have breakfast ln the morning. 5 The wolf lived In the forest.

/ do/



2 bought

1 foal

8 floor

4 bowl

S smali

© 1 ✓, 2 ✓. 3 X. 4 ✓. 5 X

© 1 f. 2 e. 3 d. 4 b. s a

©1 sunny and windy. 2 the park. 3 skates. 4 A woman. 5 leg

© Students" own answers.

© 1


2 ✓. 3 X.

4 ✓. 5 X


O *1 £ \




Unit 11 Test A

O 1 sleeping bag. 2 camera. 3 ticket.

4 ambulance. 5 sandcastle 0 1 bought. 2 drank. 3 wore. 4 sank. 5 took 0 1 Tom dropped something ln the water. 2 We didn’t see the boat. 3 Tessa broke her leg yesterday.

4 We didn't take any photos. 5 Kon dldn't meet his parents.

O Possible answers.

1 Where did you have a pienie? 2 Did you walk to the castle? 3 What time did you come back?

4 Who did you go with? 5 Did you have a good time?

© 1 was. 2 have. 3 Did. 4 Whose. 5 at © 1 F. 2 A. 3 B. 4 E. S D

0 1 He arrhred on Saturday. 2 A tali mountain and a smali castle. 3 They climbed the mountain.

4 In the castle. 5 With Peter.

© 1 ✓, 2 X, 3 ✓. 4 ✓. S X O Students" own answers.

® 2 Peter likes taking photos with his camera.

3 Sleeping in the sun is not healthy. 4 The film starts at half past nine. 5 We swam in the sea.

6 We arrived at the campsite in the afternoon.

Unit 11 Test B

O 1 ticket. 2 sandcastle. 3 ambulance. 4 camera.

5    sleeping bag

0 I wore. 2 sank. 3 broke. 4 came. 5 drank

©l Tessa bought a T-shirt yesterday. 2 We didn’t take any photos. 3 Ron did not phone his parents.

4 The ambulance took her to hospital. 5 We didn't vislt the castle.

© Possible answers.

1 Where did you swim? 2 Did you sali? 3 When did you come back? 4 Who did you go with? 5 Did you have a good time?

© I Did. 2 Whose. 3 at. 4 was. 5 play ©IB. 2 D. 3 F. 4 A, 5 E

0 I They went for a walk. 2 No. it wasn't. 3 They visited the castle. 4 A museum. 5 ln the lakę.

© 1 X. 2 ✓. 3 X. 4 X. 5 ✓

Q Students" own answers.

© 2 Peter likes taking photos with his camera.

3 We bought her a birthday card. 4 We arrived at the campsite in the afternoon. 5 I wore a sweater.

6    He bought a bus ticket.




2 talk

1 know

3 score

4 goal

5 wore

Progress test 4 Test A

O 1 whales. 2 walk. 3 town. 4 heavy. 5 forest 0 I play. 2 well. 3 How. 4 past, 5 did © 1 We didn't wear hats. 2 The boat didn’t sink.

3 The hamster slept in the case. 4 The teacher gave me a book. 5 We didn"t have a party.

© 1 Did. 2 time. 3 Who. 4 How. 5 make © I bought. 2 drank. 3 slept. 4 phoned.

5 walked/went


Answer key

© Oxford University Press



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