Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key08

Winners 2 Tests Answer Key testy i klucz odpowiedzi answer key08

Answer key

O 1 cycled. 2 swam. 3 vlsited, 4 saw. 5 matle © 1 1987. 2 three. 3 smali. 4 bedrooms 5 didn't play

O Students" own answers.

O Students" own answers.

(Jj: 1 arrlved. 2 went, 3 gave, 4 lived. 5 slept

© 1 There wasn't a Computer. 2 How heavy.

3    1 didn’t talk. 4 I"m bored. 5 How much

Progress test 4 Test B

O 1 tali. 2 farm. 3 blrds. 4 talk. 5 town 0 1 past. 2 have, 3 vislt, 4 well. 5 How 0 1 The lesson started at 9 o'clock. 2 We didn"t go to the country. 3 We wore sweaters. 4 We didn’t sleep at nlght. 5 Diana broke her arm. o 1 W ho. 2 How. 3 did, 4 Did. 5 When © 1 visited. 2 went/walked. 3 looked. 4 drank.

5 wore

O 1 walked. 2 sailed. 3 saw. 4 madę. 5 drank

0 1 London. 2 big, 3 two, 4 bedrooms.

5 didn’t play

© Students" own answers.

O Students" own answers.

Ś® 1 looked. 2 wore. 3 gave, 4 helped. 5 slept ©1 I didn"t buy. 2 a good idea! 3 How much,

4    There wasn"t a supermarket, 5 How tali

End of year test A

0    Possible answers:

1 bedroom. 2 supermarket. 3 field. 4 cold.

5    apples

©la. 2 b. 3 a. 4 b. 5 c © 1 on. 2 many. 3 at, 4 is. 5 Were

01    "m cleaning. 2 goes. 3 didn"t have,

4    don"t like 5 Are ... cooking

© 1 Go. 2 lots. 3 Whose. 4 are. 5 didn"t © 1 F. 2 D. 3 B. 4 E, 5 A Ol £5/5pounds, 2 three. 3 scary, 4 ski.

5    ehild's

© Students" own answers.

© Students" own answers.

(5) 1 snake. 2 ambulance. 3 glasses. 4 shower.

5 boat

©1 Tom sometnnes uashes up. 2 1 don"t like cooking. 3 What did you buy for her birthday? 4 There were two tomatoes on the piąte. 5 There are thirty-two students in my class.

End of year test B

O Possible answers:

1 windy. 2 eggs. 3 bedroom. 4 supermarket.

5 rlver

0 I b. 2 c. 3 a. 4 b. 5 b

© I many. 2 at. 3 is, 4 Was. 5 on

©1 didn"t walk. 2 don"t like. 3 Is ... playing ....

4 "m doing. 5 listens

© I lots. 2 Whose. 3 are. 4 didn't. 5 along/down © I E, 2 F. 3 A, 4 D. 5 B 0 1 12.45/quarter to one. 2 scary. 3 £6/6 pounds.

4    lift. 5 11

© Students" own answers.

© Students" own answers.

1    ambulance, 2 sweater, 3 shower. 4 boat.

5    ha m ster

©l What did you glve Carrie for her birthday?

2    There were two lorries on the road. 3 There are thirtv-one days in January. 4 Tom sometimes takes the rubbish out. 5 1 don"t like watchlng TV.

© Oxford University Press


Answer key



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