

3D Christmas Tree

By Anita Light

Jhlt timpłe design <an Kr madę by lold mg Ihe contrę finrt in Mil and sttapping the slot?

with <eivicn which i» ideał for ynung childrm fo

iruU- Hm we aro thowing how lo nule tl wtth

a Irufr to aeoid the crrJK tair dmoi thr ontir.

MhUtwIs Rajuiml:

Card mount WOJU double Md w*K«at aprrturo in Whitc o* a fule nta

Pkw of Grom Ml or Ciem papce HVn* * 15on.

(Md tiar.

Cfcttei giuofoptlonAl) r.V.A. (taft Adhr»lvr.

ScaipH or *harp 01A km (o oni a Mori rulc. Sdtpmil,

To Xlake The Card:

On the tv»ck of thr front panel of the card lightly pmeil a tinc to mark thr centro from top to K>ttom. \r»t dra w two diagnn.il lince, ono from thr Nutom Icft and light hond comcr* of thr card. both morting at the top ol the centro lino »o Ihat a triangle i» lortnrd.

Marł 2tm down thr rnidiilc liro from Ihe top wilh a pcncll dot, Ihcn place dole om the Iwo dogonił liroe 2Atn from the top. )oin fhr dotv Waeunng łon donn from cuch of thr tiret dot» marł agaln and |«n up. R«|vat 6 tinws

Cut a> thown in diagram I uatnga thjrp kroić and cieci nilr.

Turn the card over and carefuliy fełd down the cut roctiom a* ehown in diagram* 2 and 3

Ute glue toattach Ml to Ihe inudoand factm

the frmt wd*m of the card łogethec.

tVcora*r the troć uwryg uao and ghtter glue.



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