1 When I go to a rcstaurant I always ask somcthing Iow fat.
2 I oftcn cat with fricnds at local restaurants.
3 Players usually warm bcforc a raatch starts.
4 When we have an argument we always make ąuickly.
5 How do you get your brothers and sisters?
6 Take thc camera to the shop and get your moncy
7 I took some moncy of a cash machinę
8 A German woman gavc all her money to charity.
9 I organized a school reunion but nobody tumcd
10 She works in an animat sanctuary. Shc looks apes.
11 We set early and caught the 6.00 a.m. train.
12 The piane took and soon I was looking down on London.
13 I pickcd my suitcasc and followed thc 'Exit‘ signs.
14 A taxi pickcd me and took mc to the airport.
15 I checked at the airport and got my boarding pass.
16 Wc were talking on the phone but suddcnly she hung
17 If hc's not at homc, !'ll cali later.
18 1 think pcople should switch their mobiles in restaurants.
19 I tried to leam to dance salsa but I gave . I was terrible at it
20 I want to takc a watcr sport like scuba-diving.
21 If I like this coursc, Pil carry ncxt ycar.
22 Bethany has written a book which is going to be madę a film.
23 The Sunday Times decidcd to find if school is easier than it used to be.
24 The teacher told mc to do thc button of my shirL
25 CaroPs parents didn’t like her boyfriend so thcy went togethcr in sccret.
26 Aftcr a ycar she broke with her boyfriend.
27 If you havc somcthing you ncvcr use, ihrow it
28 Slow ! Yourc driving too fast.
29 I complained and thc company tried to sort thc problem.
30 Aung San Suu-kyi didn’t scc her sous grow . Shc was under housc arrcst.
31 Bill and Melinda Gates set a foundation to providc vaccinations.
32 You’re vcry ncrvous. You need to calm
33 I bumped an old friend in thc Street yestcrday.
34 He was looking having dinncr with his friends.
35 Look ! There’s a car coming!
36 Her grandmothcr passcd last ycar at thc agc of 93.
37 We can’t go to the concert. Ifs sold
38 Turo thc TV.Thcrcs a programme I want to watch.
39 Turo the radio. Ifs too loud.
40 Whcre can 1 pług my Computer?