I Have you noticed how many homeless people there are in oui city? Many of them are under 20 years old.
I How would you feel ii you didn t have a home and had to sleep on the streets?
We aie collecting waim clothes to give to homeless people. Ii you have any old clothes that you don t need, please bring them to the scnool hall.
Poverty and famine are serious issues. Every day morę than 16,000 children die because they don't have enough to eat.
We are organising a raffle. Tickets cost £1 eaeh. There are lots of great prizes. We will give all the money to charities that fight poverty and famine.
Prizes: MP3 player • CDs • £20 to spend on clothes • 2 cinema tickets • box of chocolates • and lots morel
Read the announcements. Which global issues are they highllghting? Choose from:
the arms trade J disease _j child labour I] racism
poverty and famine
0 giobal warming
1 endangered species
Cl homelessness
Pomyśl, jakie hasła reklamowe i nagłówki zwróciłyby uwagę na twoje ogłoszenie.
Hasła nie powinny być zbyt długie.
4 Choose four Issues. Complete one slogan for each issue.
2 Answer the ęuestions.
Announcement A
1 When is the day of action?
2 What are they collecting?
3 Where should people bring them?
Announcement B
1 How many children die of famine each day?
2 What are the campaigners organising?
3 How much are the tickets?
A What will they do with the money?
1 Action on...
2 Help to...
3 Let's._
4 Togetherwe can...
5 Write an announcement to put on a school noticeboard.
• Choose an issue.
• Find a photo or picture if you can.
• Describe the problem briefly.
• Think of a good slogan.
• Say what you are planning to do.
3 Look at the announcements and put the elements in the correct order.
1 Plans for action
2 Titłe: the problem
3 A slogan
4 A short description of the problem
5 A picture
Państwo i społeczeństwo • Wypowiedź pisemna Ogłoszenie
Unit 8 • What If