Match the emblems with the organisations.

the North Atlantic Treaty Organisatlon (NATO) the European Union (EU) the United Nations (UN) The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Interpol

2 Do the Matura exam task.

A It also has the impoitant task of organlsing and leadlng internation missions to help people in emergencies, like natural disasters, man-made disasters, war and disease.

B The exact amount of contributions from each member society is decided by the Finance Commission and approved by the General Assembly.

C All of these societies are legally independent from each other, but are united within the movement because they share the same basie principles, and objectives.

D The secretariat consists of the president and the vice presidents of the Federation, the chairman of the Finance Commission, and twenty elected representatives from national societies.

E It also has tą permanent regional offices and has about 350 delegates in morę than 6o delegations around the world.

Zadanie maturalne - Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wstaw zdania oznaczone A-E w luki 1-4, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz literę, którą oznaczone zostało brakujące zdanie. Jedno ze zdań nie pasuje do tekstu. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Moyement

consists of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Federation). and the 183 national Red Cross or Red

Crescent societies around the world 1_The moyement is

iraluntary and non-governmental. It exists to help people of all nationalitics. races, religions, and political beliefs Its aim is to protcct human life and health. to ensure respect for the human being. and to preyent and reduce human suffering.

The symbol of the Federation is a red cross and a red crescent on a whrte background. surrounded by a red rectangular frame The mam task of the Federation is to make surę that the 183 national societies around the world work well together, and to help set up new national societies in countries where no official society easts.1_

tike the ICRC, the Federation has its headąuarters m Geneva

1_The legał basis for the work of the Federation is its

oonstitution Decisions are madę by a group of officials called a secrctanat The leader of the secretanat is the Secretary General.

Most of the Federation s money comes from the national societies

which are members of the Federation ‘_Money is also

eamed from the Federation's imrestments Any additional funding. especially for relief missions m emergencies, is raised by public appeals for money on the teleyision and m newspapers Donations are madę by national societies, governments, other organisations. companies, and indiyiduals.

3 Do the Matura exam task.

Zadanie maturalne - Mówienie

Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Rozmawiasz ze znajomym z zagranicy na temat systemu politycznego w jego kraju. Dowiedz się:

•    kto jest głową państwa w jego kraju;

•    jak często odbywają się wybory prezydenckie;

•    do jakich organizacji międzynarodowych należy ten kraj.

(Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący.)

4    MJlóMmiHiflflia Match the words with the definitions.

V -

Nouns battle casualty soldier refugee Verbs defeat invade suffer

1    to win against another country or army in a war

2    someone who fights in a war

3    a Fight between armies. ships or planes

4    someone who has to leave their home in a war

5    to experience pain or Injury

6    someone who is killed or injured

7    to go into another country with an army and take control

5    Do the Matura exam task.

Zadanie maturalne - Mówienie

Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Widziateś/aś niedawno program o tematyce wojennej, który zrobił na tobie duże wrażenie. Opowiedz zagranicznej znajomej:

•    jaki to byt program i kiedy go widzialeś/aś;

•    o czym byl ten program;

•    dlaczego zrobił na tobie tak duże wrażenie.

(Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.)

P$tURA    iiołeaensrwo Rozumienie tekstu aylanego i'vnc -:: e • MA*lenie Łflyslcńwnie. udzielanie informocji •Retacjonomniewyilaneń Get ready f*r Matura 10


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