Before his death in 1992, auchor Isaac Asimov wrotc more chan sixty-six ingenious tales of derecrion and dcduction featuring thc Black Widowers, brillianr armchair detcctives who gachcr in a privatc New York dining room to solve mind-teasing puzzles. In addition to six stories that havc never before appeared in any collection, this volume includes thc ten best-ever Black Widowers cases, including thc very first to be published, and thc first ncw Black Widowers story to appear in more than ten years.
"These olddashioncd puzzle stories... never ful to entertain.”
—P«iWi>/vr> V\Wdy
"A gem, from a kinder, gentłer era."
Im Asim w rotę more than fbur hundred books on topics ranging from abstract mathematics to rhe Bibie, including rwo mystery novcls and ninc coilccrions of mystery short stories.
1 is the Kdgar- and Shamus-nominared author of
Littlc Girl Lott, and the editor of thc celebrated Hard Case Crime series oł pulp-style paperback crime novels. Hc is also the creator the Internet servicc Juno.
ISBN-13: 978-0-78671-65^7 IS8N-10:0-78671-651-7 P
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