Enjoy all the Erast Fandorin mysteries by




The Winter (hteen

Set in Moscow, St, Petersburg, and London in the l870s, The Winter (lueeti introdttccs American rcaders to the briliiant yoinig slcntli Erast Fandorin. In his first casc, lic imcstigatcs a wavc of student suicidcs, falLs dec|>ly in lovc. and linds hiuisclf in the center of a deadly worldwide oonstpiracy.

The Turkish Gambit

Iii LS77, Krasi Fandorin linds liiinseli .it dic Ihilgaii.iit front during the war between Riimu and the Ottoman Empire. Tbeie, lie reseues Varya. a daring HtLvsi.ui woinan wito bas riskcd ber life tojoin lier fi.uicć, a roolulionary. But w hen Varya's lianie is wrongliilly darged with a crimc and senteneed to dcatb, Fandorin iiiust linii the tnie culprit.

M ind er on the Leniathati

In 187S,aboard a luxury lister iicailcd for Calcutta. Krasi Fandorin joins forccs with Parisian policc cotnmissioiicr “Papa” Gaucbc to dctcrminc wbicli of ten suspicious |>asscngcrs mm lia|>|>cil on the sliip is guilly of a rising nutnl>er of despicablc inurdcrs.




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