“One of the most successful recent mystery series to have been imported to the United States from faraway lands." The New York Times
The Death of Achilles
In I8S2. Erast Faudorin rclums to Moscow to find his old \var*hcro fricnd General Michel Sobolcv (“Achilles” to Ute cnmil) dcad ofan apparent l*eart attack. Bul Faudorin suspects umuturul causcs and fóllows liis suspicions to the iioudoir of Wanda, a Iteauriful singer in whost bed Uh: gcnctal sccrelly hrcallicd his last.
Special Assign ments
Krasi Fandorin, liiiictcciuli-ccniury Russia's suavest sleutli. faces two fornudahle new foes: Tlie cńiliml sw indler known as “The Jack of S|H(l»r steals outrageous sum* of nioncy; tlić ollier a swage serial killcr preys upon young wonieli and calls liimsclf " llie Dccorator.” Thcsc advcrvarics demaiKl Fandonn's most scriotis attention* as they pnsli his jmwers of dctectiou to Uic limit.
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