uk v<fun) uui uku cargo may erascł unmokstcd ilon* the lino* the fclewScI Kasin inJ (Sc land* bcyvod
Union Leader Abandons Solidaritv with Tradc Union Party Members
te a swpnsc ^Kch from party Unc posicion, Tradc LYaoo Lodcf fc>*t Durmed annocmccd hs% intentkei Co vct móc my obkctK* to ihc closurc of fimbcr negotia* tK<o beraten reprctcniacjsct
of ch< IMk4 Tradc*vrk<n U»M and (Sc Noble Houtc* Coiłcetne » tbrsr ongoing JKrcetnettt dstpuBe*. Rumoru oi a Nrin <4 sccret mcetmgt laking place bet*cen che Umoo Leadrr and proate cituens ałkne interesu arc altgned wich the Mou*e* rrmiin a muter of tpccula-dce. w ith oH ^octtKms oo the maicrr Srwbcd asidc.
The announccmcnt wał
grreted s* ith ncar-violcnt drtńton from member* cd (heTrade U’n:*»n kam- intcr-yfcwcd by this hn»dshect. A I aoe Rr.xtcr ar che lice ofthe Ir Ortspiftc PbMM w 1h> gave hi* namf » Brill cold rhi* reporter lhat Mr. Durnted thoolcl *btoody wefl keep hi* hcid dcar of tlłoc paru if hc toow» >hMt uhac" Before hc cv>oVJ capa ml upvo chi* ttatement, hi* tccal u mon r<prcscnlative intcrsrncd and gave atturancc* that the
man w a* speakwg mrtjpber*
iraBy. Hrmwer. the mood <d the jwrmbied lanc Rrvrters and Shovrłmm wtł dcc id-edly againvt Mr Durmrd Ihc JcvMXł by the Union Leader mrant r>ot the eon-trące ii written hotdi now thro^gh the rcmamdrr of1hc ftrunoaJ ^Amer Suho^ucr/ to thi* rcuclMton. md-uitry stocks uerc tradmg gcneraly highcr, and c»«n recetttljr de* pre\łcd Tckacl shares began to thew p ni!.-vc Kthity.
liA/ntRWS '\AKCS A CCHNSIIOr f ROM A C<>"WJ\ jAan!
The ;rirftacć Inrerin; recoK-f^iw. ?Vchanbat cfooics o tettt. ew.Vf rck>v3 vVn yoo need rf nosi T>/rS one trat jcasto •.hal Nov*oned nurc
SnnefityAy \lr*
C4 Ockcł
fof .jrrrf
ticppeo KW«ni wkc afiJin with jn i rżeniu u % solution
ihac tikc* an tem hand in battlinr
Moocu Hakt,.AB«owwr, has opened a ora- Soothmg Parto Wtfhin ils tcUsin* eecv-fme*. one oa tind rcheł froen łtmł, arociefy. and cuncern leasing with a hght heaet and a toireg rrurtd Ołif reporter the parkę to gtvc a de-tadcd report «*f wfut pei on. A haunous ma*»jge> wen wrntł, ani a Soc*hcr on Juty to gne a uiiHłoc ‘EMctoll Masopt" leaw >ł»o fcvling as fitol oo the tmide as >ou do on ehe oleskie. Rea.1 the report on the haefc. Ce»łomn MV(R.
Alkean Pehn, kng fawred
to win the Or-dasekrn 2nd Scal m thn faiUs ekvtK»m. i» rumored to hnr Sren song AlkemntK alnlitKł to crcatc łuppcecers In a wamial surę to rock the city to it* founda-tiom. a falWT rmstrcłł has cc*mc forward to cipoce all. Completc Mory oo rome łxJc, third eolumn.
Allomanccrs for Itire.
AU uriclKł CotmbMt. 1'ctttcrjftm for inductrial mdc or pcv<cvt> o Tcn*.p>«rjl Altom an cer* for «in>e mj-nipulation. Sceehcn, Raotm for Jutner party amucenicftt. Some Pemchcm»*t\a\‘adahlc •• ith ads>«0y:e warner^ Mela* lurgiMici Albed, Carroobmy Stuart. 7lh Oct. Arc >ou Mtulbom and «ńb to cam what you dełcrscr CaU *n perc<»n; ask fce jamngton.
intąpu ar* vp »n« uac pnm-
iccw irwł dcvtfc. Exdwtvc reportu*, only feurd herc! Rrsrrsc tadc,
My dcareditor.aod by way of >\xi. my łlcjrcłt rndm:! trw that my missne tmd> s\xi uci! and in the po*\cv-*K« of a wilteflj car, for the imrrd:Nc nvntt that (nm* p»fcd in my recem o^vrxty;e
nuY UnJtf \YHi with m&rrdu*
lity and 0>xł. I vw to you in carno* a»s<rti*’n that e*ch and esery scoed 1 wntc to >\»u ń tnie an.1 facnul I łnx shełe lalo k» that >vm may Icarn of the RougJ-ił and the f*^-ćufcatinjc jopk who IKt oal here beyvnd che ttK«AUim> ksvcd the law, and K*>viłd cufcurod ro-ison
1 wreer my pcnioin miłłj-.c. 1 was ccrtain fhkt my cod had come Indced. I was copturcd and held b) the hes«f kolosa of the Pits of Litania, and had bsren toJd that on the morrow, I uould be CACcuted and cny rtedt fcattod vpon I feared a gruełome cnd. and 1 will adm* that I found myself in carroi prayeT to i)tc Surw we that sery mght! If anyx«>e noeded the protect>:<s of Ile Who lased, it w I!
You *aay assusnc from my unoog here thM I havc acaped Vcll. in part that is true. but I hase not kft the cwrnp of che Nue-ckanned ko kxi Indced. I wnte you thi* ktter from rhe xxry chamher o herc I w as held t«> be cx-eeuted on that mght. OnJj mrw. ktfftcei pnv.xa.bul ua* M<»d a crar«l pilice' At kacu to do Che Kja-atfct hc&kcg me ewidder *.To me. n remimt mercly a inu*J-fkH*rcd hwi. Sleeping beneach the tur* u\iu!d be moec preferabic, espeenlly if I couid havc had Mtu Dumał: by my sid%*. But my vjo.*ti to locr.c where
the ha% been tak<ty wail nced
to wart for bicr.
The hdott do try to make my accommodaiioAt fu. Thcy hasx bmnght mr dcad arumah to featt upon. and have builc mr a tire, a ngn that thcy cofttadcr mc w\<th> of pand attentvo And they hasv £ivcn mc testral »np om ci thnr wn ccmractko As I have mencioned bc-tccc, chote t*xapon* a^e of inacdihły finc make I had ibought crcatufc* *uch a*
oi i and Me sid«