Introducing an exciting way to leam morę about DanieUe Steel

Vlsłt the Danielle Steel Web Site at: www.daniellesteel.com

Flnally, a Web Site completely devoted to Danielle Steel and her books.

Loe on, and youll find

The Danielle Steel

Reading Group

To join the group, just point and click!

•    The DanieUe Steel Bookshelf fcaruring all of DanieUe Steels noveis, with occcrpts from cach one and a 4-6 minutę audio samplc from audio editions

•    Hot off the Press fcatunng a chaptcr occcrpt from Danielle s latest bestsdling book

•    'lite DanieUe Steel Screening Room featuring information on movic and TV tie-ins

•    The DanieUe Steel Trivia Contest: win a signed edition of her latest book!

•    The DanieUe Steel Gucst Book: add your name to DanieUes elearonic mailing list or send her an e-mail lettcr

•    Plus, the DanieUe Steel Scrapboolc never-before-aired audio and vidco intcrviews and morę, availablc only on the DanieUe Steel Web Site.



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