The Lutni* L*tt uuybe nircAt d it, <i iitr potnt dunn^tbe mi tul fiu i nulu i o OOOMCOodt) id ahn« Jtfr. «hte pilty ikcan the uami bopcleu »oJ detn tu ibuit i>ui Inc m the laureat oftUar and “*i t(U-IDM1 Krteipt •<( tli u *ard hciciy jfodrn ihr gnet limu my "luid Iteiiwp' or "quesunm* Innu tl>r kmon lawy er idnm i.> the diK-mui mr oł ikr ditc. •» li»h mar be (Cl-muutal tai aoy re a na imlndirw;, bot not lunited • tmn attiic. bteuli. tkmirliam, rum lun. Lun# Idind unit, public achooł cihxin.ii bid unio no credu *oipK»oi»c..b'«(ii
(l)|jircr nur mmehcienaow L*a< UsmiJ Umoa Łiwyte uu midurely cmueitfto « nu-«itmrą» aratchcd ‘itiad,* durnion ul which łbUlbrnolonifCt tlua oae(l)nijchi (l I)ihe tcrnn of thu astronom ate non-easlunrdy tmiarublr, in Jekiru. r to tlx cman<mccoł the Lem u Law ai i •lhni|i ~ (IU i in Uie uulikcb rvr«.i <4 t unroltaaioui unvxici.ii. roi nr* duli nuci ODf (I) h%b Im.” withucjtla patty alhcUlly autuainf citdJt la tix Lemo iuaince
Tke IwKaiL-tuiiuy b< iii*v>he.J fl. 4t aur pum .luin^tht icn-naltire mumio'łOG»eio«di)ołałine Jitee*kcr pattr demu ihr nu». <t lupek-. 4ad rl&n to aboit »iid dat* la the luteiot ultuar J/uloi iclł-tripect. thu i ml bcirfit ibiokti ihr (jarr (lora uff *fcAid krlui*.1 oł ‘tpuoitłolM* ftwn tbc kaioalawyce ttkeaia icthe divi.iiti:u»n. t od rhc lUtt. włmh m<vh< trtrunuted W tny mw.ii inchi.hng. but nut InmoJ t.. iirdiT min, birrth, htrariinm, miiplKed cxceiovr bodr lun. Loag Mml tanu. peMx ichool cdocinnn bid credu.
uocrcdit. iinpKKaiiodciul
ll| Btrrr nuy wam tht irwi L*v dvxiM Itmnn Ijwyoe iui-ihoihiiIy lorocat to t oa-urmifi nu. lud "lUnd.” dutitmo of whi. li dulibra> .| mgtrtluiioat ll)nięl* (ll)tlKtctuu nlthi> UW trasem irt noo-£Ł.lun*ely tianifcuble. m iefetcwce to tbc mictgowr tht Lrtnon Uw «i *ilinn •(111* mthr aulikrhr tvtm ol i laUHMiAi. partie* ahali cn.Kt ooe II) •higlrf»ve.“ aaitli ixitber pinv utti ullv niuming. rrdntot tbr Lei*vn Ln* lwiure
Tkr tAU iniy bcinroŁtil d « mypoint daniyttht uu-Uallńr minuto OM iccofcJi)o( .i t int Jnc. cakci pmr dram thr an» m bopeku and eteru tn aborr %aid ditr in ihr intortt idtiiaeand-ot iclf-iot-a.1 Rtreyxol thu-.udhct(b> łbinbo the Rtrrr bom my "kard fcdlit|ir* *que«tiooł' Ir tbe km om U* y«r trkóic to the dexóiitl(iau*.t cd tbc d*rt. wturh mir br tcriainiltd kr ibt rcnoniniluJinK, but nut lanactl to tawdiv utitt, btnth. UmetmcM. mnplKol ciirv«irr body hau. Loag Itland mcm, pablK kW>.| rducanun, bid ordii no credit, liApk ».XII odottrk
IIi Sirrr raav mm thi Leman L*v tłioukJ Itmon lawrer im IKditttłycomeatt'11 u •«1IU^ ma. hot mu.! luun i. r duli be ar. lonicer thinose ll)ni|;l* (U) tlić tciau ul thu igytnorni att o.>iM3Kio«irrly tunift nble, m dcfcicnceto tlx iiuciRnuccdtbc Lcmon Liw -u i 'tlame ' (III. ui tbc anlikelr tren rd • umulunrooi lami «• ri, parne* ahali raa. t noc (I) •bighliv«f” wuhutulserpaity idfirullt anuiaingcicdufnt iLt LnaonLaw mumie