Example 2: Girls' night out
past simple irregular verbs young adult plus elementary
In tliis example, tiic language (o be studied is presented 10 the students in a tcxt.
The scquence slarts when ihe tcacher asks the students whethcr girls in their country often go out together and where, if they do, they go. Students can distuss tliis in pairs or smali groups before reporting back to the class.
The students now look at two texts (see Figurę 3) and try to detide if they are about a night out in Rio de Janeiro, Beijing or Moscow. When they have done tliis, the teacher checks they all havc the same answer.
1 wote a-bł^rk.'■w.rarórlitótftris and a lrś of nGirlsisći1 1 wore a fońif ćress. Pecof1 ane tjulie iwditiotwi iterie butyour.g SfcH«saHi^.śc%ctóljB»! peopfc-vi3crto;v.’tórncitłasńH>f«and;hiv«r«wtai.'coiours.‘
a* wen; homr-by Lar i d>3n ! dnrtx jir- jiiohti jo I cc-uif- drwi-
l#r Mi «! I2<» and jjrv hom«*j? itimt' ■ Ju w.-“ a vęr\ <łKV' fi Ot.-r,l>
figurę 3: Girls' night out trom New English Fik Elementary by C Oxenden, C Latham-Koenig and P Seligson (Oxford University Press)
:5ASIBA fives in HHHHI' She went oot with her frrerKh Uli a1d Arna on 1 Friday oifhL
v»ćwcnt tQ'Pta»i<fci, l;‘s a car and fesłąyrairt thofs oper- 24 houn *da£»td «s ir/c rin‘p|a<«’?i the moment Theresa 0] 1kó iw a fot c: int^ręstinppaeoplo.
We had ard jppietate and theń Wtne.
SHAftSK lim in ■HBHHHHIH1 Słie went out with ber (riends Nicolr amó Hojir on a SaAurday •
First l.dręye to tor S1r«rrt a strert with aboót 50 bjf--v/c nwt in tbc PiT.k loft. a Tłtsi r«1uiafant Aftw dinner »w went to a tra heuw becauso i1's a place to talk
Wf fcw? tvpkd> J»»di fund. Itkf grwi rur.'v ffie;; wr hdtl tcg. ‘Nomen herc dont ćr.nJc2:Jot of akohol v»e telked aowt ou: lowłiw. c1peóA«v Hujta’> Słw na1 j ctcolrrn w itr- her pannt-r vvr 2łkt\7 Uym.n .ind tr^atuf1-
The students now match ąuestions, such as Did you have a good tirne? I-Iow did you go Ilonie? What did you do? Wiat did you have to eat and drink? and What did you wear? with the womens answers, marked 1-7 in the texts. Then they fili in a chart with ticks for Sabina or Sharon, depending on whether they wore a dress, went to a bar, talked about men, went home by taxi, etc.
Their attenłion is drawn to the irregular verbs by an exercise which asks them to find the past tense forms of certain verbs (sec Figurę 4).
3 GRAMMAR past simple irregular verbs a Look at the report5 again and find the past
tense of these irregular verbs. | |
wear |
/wo:/ |
go |
/went/ |
sec ___ |
/sa:/ |
have _ |
/h«ed/ |
buy - _ |
iboitl |
get-- |
/g«/ |
leavc ___ |
/lcft/ |
drivc____ |
ZdrPoW |
meet ____ |
/met/ |
can |
/kod/ |
: Textseard> |
The phojiemic forms of these past tense verb forms are given as a back-up for those students who are eomfortable reading at least sorne phonemic symbols.
When students have identified the past tense verb forms, the teacher gets them to say them just to check that they are pronouncing them correetly. They now look at a grammar chart (see Figurę 5) before doing exercises where they fili in a short text with the correct form of the verbs be, buy, go, wear, look, baw, see, etc.
SC past simple irregular verbs
Lnfinitivc |
Pas t - |
Past - |
go |
went |
didn't go |
h.-ve |
had |
didn’f havc |
ge; |
gor |
didiyt get |
bu> |
bought |
didn‘t buy |
)C3VC |
lcft |
didn’t lcavc |
drivc |
drove |
didn't drive |
meet |
met |
didn't mcet |
see |
saw |
didn’t sec |
wear |
worc |
didn't wear |
do |
did |
didn't do |
Usc the irregular past form onły m • scntenccs.
saw o film latt night.
Usc :hc mftniiive after did i dtdrt i.
Did you see u film last night? so t Dni you saw.,-.; Kcmcmber word order - ASI (auxibary. subject, mfiniłivcj ot QUAS1 loiicst.ion word. auxiiiary, .subtcet. mltniłbe Dul you go out łan night?
Where did you go?
Ai Past ot uir? ~ could.
- = couldn\' not dfdtM-eaft 7 - Could YOU...' NOT fhd-yOtJ-ćtMfc-.-.?
figurę 5: Grammar chart
Students now listen to the third girl (Silvia) talking about her night out. They can then ask and tell each other about their own experiences of going out with friends, using the verbs they have been iearning.
Example 3: Disappointment
reported speech tsenage plus intermediate
This seąuence teaches students the differences between reporting speech as it happens and how this changes when we report things that were said in the past.
We show students a picture of two young men walking down the Street. One of them has
c laikce abow Uh i probtems wpr- het bovk«1n<i. She was a bil wid iien >o=nt men ć>: The nęxt UW« łjartod ulkmc :c ia ano thev tcupht ‘j- i dnnk Thn i» 1 vcr1 rsrbo counw and mer atmayi pav f«>t womens cpoi.s
•>< sol 1 Ux: li tan fce aaitr dangrrous lirię ot nęht ->1-d the melin do1s Ot about 12 Jf Wę rk Pramida at anout i łt .n r. i «gu homr al 2 :"i f1n:av: potni- '1t nad i 1r»-.v 'nfir jt-c la!i was Jt-ipp> a1«ii'