Model 300-G is a very compact multł-range Circuit tester of high sensitivity eąuipped with a 45/fA full-scale meter and a rotary switch for selecting ranges. It has a sensitivity of 8000f2/v on AC and 20000f2/v on DC voltages. Resistance measurable ranges from 112 up to 5Mgf2 by roeans of dry batteries contained. Decibels are measured from —20 to +22db. ‘The panel is of beautiful blue plas-tic, and this tester serves all-round uses for radio amateurs as well as professionals.
AC voltage: 10v 50v 250v 500v 1000v (8000I2/v)
DC voltage: 10v 50v 250v 500v 1000v (20000I2/v)
DC current: 50/* A 2.5mA 25mA 250mA
Resistance: 0-5K12 0-50KH 0-500Kf2 0-5MgI2
(By 3v battery contained)
Decibels: -20 to +5db +5 to +22db(0db-0.775v-60012)
set to the
Instruction: The rangę selecting rotary switch is
rangę to be measured.
Caution: When the voltage or the current to be measured is not ascertained, the rotary switch must be set to the highest rangę to start with to avoid damage to the meter. Then it may be changed over to lower ranges according to the indica-tion on the meter. The test lead tips are inserted into the jacks marked “+” and “ — ” respectively.
To measure resistance, first join the test lead pins together and abjust the pointer, by means of “OHADJ” knob on the left,'to point the fuli scalę or zero ohm position on the meter.
To measure decibels up to i+5db, one test lead tip is inserted into the jack marked “5db OOLY”, and the other into“—” jack. And then the selector switch is set to the position of AC-10v. For measuring up to +20db, one tip is inserted into the jack and the other into the ” jack, setting the switch to AC-10v rangę.
Size : 95 X145 X 40m m
Weight: 645 gr