Rows 9 through 20:
Rep Rows 3 through 8 lwice morc.
Row 21:
Working in BLs only, sc in each hdc and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2; join in first sc. Do not turn.
Top Trim:
Ch 3. working through both Ips, * sk nexl sc. sl st in ncxt sc. ch 3. sk ncxt sc; rep from * 40 times morę; ch 3; join in joining sl st. Finish off.
Bottom Trim:
Hołd piece with right side facing you and bcg ch at top; fold piece fiat with joining to right. working through both thicknesses and with both strands held tog. join in first unuscd Ip of bcg ch and in corrc-sponding unused Ip on opposite side.
Row 1:
Ch 1. sc in same Ips as joining; working through both thicknesses in corrosponding unused Ips of beg ch. sc in next 41 Ips—42 sc. Ch 3. turn.
Row 2:
Sk first sc, sl st in nexi sc; (ch 3, sk next sc. sl st in noxt sc) 20 times. Finish off.
Noto: Strap is worked holding one strand of yarn and one strand of thrcad tog.
With both strands held tog. and leaving a 12' end for scwing, ch 170; sl st in each ch.
Finish off. Ieaving a 12* end.
Finishing Step 1:
With scwing nccdlo and matching thrcad, sew zip-por to wrong side of Row 20 of body.
Step 2:
With tapestry needlc and long ends, sew strap to opposite sides of purse on wrong side of Row 21 of body.
Step 3:
Rcfcrring to photo for placcmoni, if desircd, sew decorative trim to purse.