HE A D. BODY. PEPLUM : Beg at top ofUead, ch 4 andjoin to form ring. Rud I : In ring work 15 dc (first dc = 3 ch throughoiit); closc rnds with sl st in top of ch-3, ch-1 or first sc. Rnd 2: Inc evenly 5 dc as per diagram — 20 dc. Rnds 3-5: 20 dc on each md. Stuffhead with absorbcnt cotton bef you cont with Rnd 6 : Ch 1. beg in same sp as closing sl st work 2-sc clustcr (see First Angel) all around 10 timcs ; closc with sl st in first cl. Rnd 7: Ch 1.1 sc in each sl around - 10 sc ; closc with sl st in lirsl sc. Rnd 8:2 dc in ea sc around - 20 dc. Rnds 9-16 ; Work following diagram. On rnd 16. notę that first 4 shells only are DC sh ; at end of md lastcn olT (black wedge). W1NGS, HALO . Work as shown on diagrams.
SLEEVE (make 2) : Leaving thread end ca. 3 1/4" long, beg ai upper end ch 7 Rows I-d : Work following diagram . ch 4, tum each row. At end of row 4, fasten ofl' Ieaving end ca. 3 1/4" long; sew sieeve seam with (his end. Slip Body over spout of bigger funnel, attach slecves to shoulders thus : knot thread end into dc located bet dc shell and tr shell, sew slcóvcsin place having4 dc shells in front.
STARCHJNG. ASSEMBLY : Scc directions for First Angel (omit halo chain).
77///?/) ANGEL
SKIRT : Beg at waist, ch 12 and join to form ring. Rnds 1-10 : Work following diagram. On rnds 2-3, 5-7 and 9, lasł 3 ch - 1 dc in closing st below : closc all other rnds with sl st in top of first cl or dc.
HE AD. BODY. PEPLUM: Rnds 1-6 . Same as for First Angel Rnds 7-U : Work following diagram. On rnds 7-9, closc each rnd same as on md I ; on rnds 10*11. last 3 ch sts = I dc. Row 12 Work (5 ch.
I sc in next ch !p) 12 limes (this is Pepluni Back). Fasten ofl'.
HALO. W1NGS: Work following diagrams.
ARM (make 2) : Work as shown, leaving thread end 2" long at beg and at end of piece. At shoulders, attach thread ends to dc in linę with edges of Peplum Back. sew Arms in place.
STARCU ING. ASSEMBLY .Sec directions for First Angel (omit halo chain).
FOURTH ANGEL SKIRT. HALO. WINGS : Work following respeclive diagrams. HE AD and CAPE : Rnds 1-5 : Same as First Angel. Rnd 6:3 cli, I dc in same st as closing sl sL, I dc
in each of next 4 sts, 2 dc in next st, I dc in each of next 4 sts, closc with sl st in top of ch-3. Rnds 7-13: Work ch-4 lps all around . up to md 12, last Ip = 1 ch + I dc in closing st. Close rnd 13 withsl st in closing dc below. Fasten off Stuff head with absorbent cotton, wrap thread ca. 8” long under the head several limes to create neck. ARM (make 2): Ch 22 -f- I to tum. Rows I-I: Work sc in 2nd st from hook and in each st across ; ch l, turn each row At end of row 4. fasten otTleaving thread end ca. 8” long. Assemhly : Bcnd one end of pipęejeaners not covered with bent scction frec. place arm piece over pipecleaner. sew arm seam closcd using thread end. Wind remaining thread around pipecleaner, secure and conceal in arm seam.
STARCfflNG: For skirt, halo and wings scc First Angel but use cardboard cone inslead of funnel. Aftcr skirt is completely dry, remove cone and saranwrap. At each side of skin top, enlarge openwork hole with crochct hook, insert scction of piepclcaners not covcred with crochetwork and bend arms upward as shown. Insidc skirt, twist pipecleaner ends together firmly, curvc each cleaner to follow skirt edge (maintain shoulder curve with crochet hook). Apply gluc to shoulders, cover with cape making surc it
arm (make 2|
HEIGHT 5 3/4" OIAMETER : 2 1/4"
easu tómake
sticks. Bcnd nrms forward at clbow. To lorm hands, bend 1/4” at each lip, sew hands together. HA IR : Cut 20-25 strands ca. 2” long. apply gluc to head, gluc hair in place and push it toward back. Since the head is partly covered by the halo, you do not need to cover the entire head with hair. FINISHING : Allow hair to dry completely. Now bend head slightly forward, slarch head, cape and arms. When starch begins to stificn, shape cape. W'hen cape is dr\f, glue wings to back (maintain in place until glue is thoroughly dry). Glue halo in place.
head and cape
wmg (make 2)