Now there}s so much morę to enjoy in Holden. New good looks, new Turbo-smooth performance, new deep-cushioned comjort. And no model delivers it all morę beautifully than new Premier, the most luocurious Holden ever madę.
Ifout-and-out Iuxury is your wish, bank on new Premier to grant it in lavish fashion. Its fresh bcauty brings new pridc to the plcasnrc of going first class.
Unmistakably new is the bold, clcan look of the glcaming new grille, wrap-aronnd bnmpcrs, robnst new front fenders. New streamlined Dow froni rooflinc to ncwly stylcd renr deck with smart new tail-light design acccnts the slcek, low-slung lines. The glamonr continucs with such touchcs as sparkling
body trim, whccl opening mouldings, rcar bright ribbcd panel, wliitcwall tyres with dcluxc whccl trims, new badges, and vinyl-covcrcd roof if you want to make it even morę eye-catcliing. Plus a new rangę of striking colours in brilliant metallic Magic-Mirror acrylic lacqucr!
Preshness & luxury abound inside, too (fuli story pages 4-5). A sumptuous spot to rcvcl in the new power of Prcmicr's 126-hp ‘186’ cnginc or the twin-carburettor ‘X2’ with 145-hp -- power
spun to Turbo-smoothness by enginc rcfmcmcnts found in no other car ncar Holdcn's pricc. A massivc sevcn-bcaring crankshaft, for one, to givc silky-smooth running and longcr cnginc lifc. Supcrbly quict hydraulic valvc liftcrs, for another.
Link your cnginc choicc with vclvcty Powcrglide automadc transmission or manuał gcarshift, disc brakes. and you’vc performance dynamie cnough to make cvcn sonie sportscars green with cnvy. As for the ridc, it’s smoother than cvcr
thanks to new medium Iow profile tyres, rcftncd suspension, lowcr hcight, wider track and thick laycrs ofvibration-squelching body insulation.
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