Here’s your chance to bring ncw colour and distinction into your driving lifc. Holden's striking ncw Sadlon upholstcry gives you fivc high-fashion colour choiccs — fivc ways to get the colour-kcycd interior that's just right for your taste. Interior colours harmonisc pcrfcctly with cxterior colours.
You know it chc instant you sit behiiul che whcci — Holdcn’s coinfort is dramatically, blissfully ncw. The sofa-widc scats wclcomc you witli a ncw, form-hugging softness, attract your cyc with their ncw look o f finc-car <] na li ty. You get chc fccling you could drivc relaxcd all day in such rcstful surroundings — and you cin!
Hcrc’s \vhat's happened. To deeply-sprung scadng frames, Holdcn has added thick ncw laycrs of spongy foain padding of ncw design. Inchcs of it under you, and bcliind you. Then to givc a fresh look of bcauty to it all, Holdcn has incroduccd an cntircly ncw and exclusive upholstcry materia] — Sadlon. As elegant as it is durable, Sadlon comcs to you in ncw colours and designs co givc Holdcn interiors a ncw air of distinction.
Also thcrc for good looks and comforl are ncw brighc silvcr fmish to the padded
instrument panel, tailorcd floor ma es, padded front arm-rests with rentotc control door handlcs, frcc-flowing air yentilation system, assisc straps, cigar lighter.
Special safety fcaturcsincludccxciusivc horn rocking bar rcccsscd in stccring whcci spokes, seat belt anchor points up front, big windshicld witli modified zonę in front of drivcr (should windshicld be broken, you can still see to safcly bring your car to a halt). Ncw wider rcar window contributcs to cxccllcnt all— round vision.
And with it all, morę casy-going spaciousncss llian you’11 find in any other car ncar Holdcn's pricc! Thcrc’s hip-room, leg-room, shoulder-room a’plcnty for six big pcoplc. Tons of room for their luggagc, too, in the 26.4 cu. ft. boot (now with lowcr sili to make loading cvcn casier). Deep floor well providcs ample spacc for bulky items.