Polish term t. Angina' .........................
2. anorexia .......................
3. apnoea .......................
C constipation .................
5. gaoosis ............—..........
6. diarriioea '......................
-7. dyspnoea ........................
8. emaciation ...................
T luianatcmcsis .........................
10. haemopcysis .........................
11. tuuiwirhage -----...................
12. hcartbum ........................
13. inconrinenoc .................„.i..
14. insonuiia' .... .............
ifdiing ............
16. jurndkr ________________|k
17- nausca - _______
15. obcsity .....................
19- pal lor .......
PP syncopr .......................
a. a burning scnsacion or discomfort felt in che region of the heart and ofcen rising upwards co the throat, caused by regurgitacion of che
ę co mach conccnts
b. faincing, a temporary loss of consciousness
c. a fecling of about to vqmir
of bowel movcmcnt
e. an abnormal paleness of skin
f. an inabilicy to controi bowel movements or passage of urine
g. che accumulacion of excess fac in che body
h. parcicularly severe ieanness caused by lack of nourishment or disease
i. a suffocating, choking pain, which is felt in che chest
j. a loss of appetice
k. che condition in which the bowels are operied too infrequeńtly
l. a yellowing of che skin and whices of che eyes
m. breachlessness
n. vomici ngrfWoOd
0. -ftow of- blood -Prozu
a rupcured blood vessel
p. a temporary hale in breaching
q. sensacion prompcing scratching co obcain relief
r. being unable co remain asleep or co fali asleep
s. che expectoration of blood or blood--stained spucum
t. a blue appearance of che skin due co insuflficient oxygen wichin the blood