amnesia • anorcxia * arodety * bronchial asthma * chofclithiflllii • (UlffMM j * dyspnoea • dyspnoea on cxcrdon • dyspnoea at rest ■ dlarrhoea * aplsfJMfls * | cxophthalmos • hac.aaturia • hacmorrhbicls • herpcs ilmpleK • • |
melacna • menorrhagia • myopia • nausca * nocturla * oedema • orthopooes * i otorrhoca • paracsthcsia * polymenorrhoea * polyuria " prurłtus * rćnfll ClUull * I retrosternal pain • rhinorrhoea • strabismus • tinnitus * vertigo * vomlfing
Infornial dcscription Clłnical term Pollsh term
1. I’ve been feeling dizzy, doctor.
2. I have to gct up at night to pass watcr.
3. It*s troublesome .to pass so much watcp
4. Ycstcrday I noticed my urine was red!
5. Sec, my ankles are swollcn.
6. Im often short ofbreath when 1 overdo things.
7. Now I’m breathless even when I sit and do nothing.
8. I sleep on four pillóws.
9. I often have loose watery stools.
10. Lately my BM*s have been tarry in colour.
11. No, I have no galłstones.
12. But I had stones in my kidneys ten years ago.
13. I*ve got this cold sore for two days now.
14. I have to scratch my back because it*s itchy.
15. My wifc says I’ve got this awful stare.
16. Pardon? I cant hear you.
Can you speak up. please.
17. I often gct pins and needles in my feet.
18. We are all sbortsightcd and I’ve goi: a squint.
19. Ive been off my fbod.
I just cant look at id
20. I feel sick and keep throwing up!
21. My right ears running.
22. Ive got chat wheezy chcst.
23. I’m all nerves! I feel so upset!
24. lve got chat ringing in my ears!
25- I ve got piles.
26. It s this strange pain behind my breastbone.
27. I can’t keep my water.
28. My pcriods come too often and I bleed heavily.
29- My noseś running and 1 often gec nosebleeds.
30. My name? Any family?
I donr remember anything!