||N^ Complete the sentences by filllng the gaps with the correct words or expressions from the list above.
1. The patient niust have c...............che dcacily Ebola disease in an cndemic
region in Africa where she worked as a nursc.
2. “Mr Greene, if you do not change your lifestyle you may Rnd yoursdf to be at
..............of...............an MI one day.”
3. Tm sorry to hear your father is not alive. What did he d...............ofł'
4. In an overwhelming majority of patients, diabetes r...............in severeły
debilitating c.................
fj. Aithough the course of the patient's pneumonia seemed to be well under
control, he suddenly d...............unexpected complications.
•c There was a hope he would r...............from the disease but unfortunateły, he
finally s.....:.......to it.
7. The casuaity involvcd in a car crash was found to h...............multiple interna!
organ injuries.
8. Unfortunateły, despite a great deal of effort, the young driver d...............from
haemorrhage and wounds.
9. The two extreme age groups, i.e. the youngest and the elderly, are highly
v...............to the influenza virus infection.
10. £very year, an outbreak of a flu epidemie is closely munitored by disease
control cćntres worldwide sińce, if the virus is t................ the disease may have
a Zatai global outeome.
I i. She was d...............with MS at the age of 35 years, and sińce then her
condldon has signifleandy worsened, the disease has bcen steadily p................
12. Alchough she has been t...............for many years, there is no hope for MS
patients to be c................
13. One of the greatest successes in the hiscory of medicine, accomplished by the
WHO, was to e...............the global human scare known as sma!Ipox.
l4. For ages, prognosis for pcoplc a...............wich the disease had been very poon
r most of them were not r...............to the lethal vlrus.
15- The disease decimated populations; very few indiv!duals were i...............to
smallpox; nobody had been v...............agalnst ir uncil Mr Jenner madę his
16. Some children are conslderably p............... to multiple injuries in theirearly
17. Iahappens that certain vcry rare dlseases are nt>..............by doctors, whtch may
lead to grave consequenccs.
18. Many acute intestinal infections usually begin with or are h...............by
■ acute pains, and abdominal cramp, waicry diarrhoea whlch are referred to as p...............symptoms.