

yi-< Netscape - |PUcc ad Order)

£ót    Qo fiookmarfcj Qpbor>: £[*ecto<y ^ndow tjdp

Place an Order

Items to be ordered

C0_002 fi Apple Pouec Hacintosh 7600 16HB/2GB    52,499.00

SUBTOTAL    2,499.00

Sal es Tax    0.00

Shipplng    7.00

TOTAL    2,506.00

(Ifyou wtsh to cancel the order on an iłem, stmpły enler "0” tn the ąuanutyfield oj that iłem.)

(ifyou c hangę the ąuanuty field oj an iłem, ><ou can recalculale the new to tal by selecltng n Refresh" below).



Shipping via UPS Ground f UPS Bhie UPS Red

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