C«l on M Mi. Work 3 (kije*, cod w«h a WS row. Btg Charti A. B.Cond O: Row I (RS) K3. worfc 10 Mi Owt A. 9 MS Chan BlbegwuhfowmułCłuftC. 10 iti Chan 0.4 Mi Chan C. 9 Mi Chan 6 (bcg with rew >7). 10 Mi Clvtn A, k3. Kceęung 3 Mt each tide in ganer M (V cvwy row). com m thart pali ai
r-vtabk\hed untd pe<e meav
ur« 11V4' from bog. end with a RS row.
Work 3 rtdgei ftnd oK. A
TBL Through back loop i 1 i : K 2nd it on IM rwedle. thtn k firn it. Drop both Mi from needle.
1/1 LT With RH needle bchind work. k ?nd -.1 on IM needle tbl. I hen k fint M in front loop. Otop both Mi from needle.
1/1 RPT KJndit on LH needle.
lh«n p firit tt. Drop both Mi from needle,
: r With RM needle behlnd work. p 2nd it tbl. then k firM it in from loop. Drop both Mi from needle.
2i2 RC SI 2 to cn. hołd lo back. ki k2 from cn.
2 ‘2IC SI 2 to cn, hołd to front, ki k2 from cn.
CHART A Ok©? IOSTS Kowt I <j/id J (RS) Purt.
2 KUft1.pl. ki) mn«rt M. p3t<>9l twke. ki. r KI. (p3tog. (kl, pl. kl) m not M) twke. ki. Rep rowi 1 -4 for Chart A.
CHART B OlrtR 9 ST5 Rom 1 (RS)[KI tbl.pl) twke. 1/1 IT.pl 2 Ki 1/1 LPT. pl. [ki. pl) twke. 3 [KI tbl. pł) 3 timei. 1/1 LT, pl. 4 l/l LPT. pl. [ki. pl) 3 timei. 5 [KI tbl pl) * timei. ki tbl6 PI. (kl, pil 3 timei. 1/1 LPT. 7 Pl. 1/1 LPT. [pl. kl tbl) 3 timei 8 PI, ( kl. pil twice. 1/1 LPT. ki 9 Pl l/ł LPT.(pl.kl tbl] twke. 10PI.kl.pl. 1/1 LPT. k4. IJ PS. 1/1 LPT. pl. kl tbl 12 Pl. l/l LPT. k6. IJ P7.1/1 RT. 14 Pl. 1/1 RPT, k6. f 5 P$. 1/1 RT. pl. kl tbl l« Pl. kl. pl. 1/1 RPT. k4. 17 P3. l/l RT. (pl. kl tbl) twke. 18 PI, [kl. pl) twke 1/1 RPT,ki 19Pl. 1/1 RT.Ipl.kl tW:3 timei. 20 Pl. (kl. pl) 3 timei. 1/1 RPT 21 (Kl tbl pl) 4 timei, kl tW 22 1/1
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