Tłm bcau
!iis bcautihil brooch toliows the stcp-bv-step procedur? for maklng a Itethcr-haeked cabochon. ihc rao« common wyv to cncasę a cabochon in beads. The cabochon is firśt glued to a piece of leather, Wtriwwo?®? Lacy s Stiff StufP', or otłicr stiff backing materiał. A beaded collar (be/ell is then built around thc stone on this backing. and thc decorative beads arc couchcd in place around thc collar. The cxce$$ leather is trimmed off só ir doesn't show. Leather can be tOUgh to work with, so be surę to stick your nccdlc straight througli thc leather and not at an angle.