You noed:
12-inch grcpcv no wroarH; ar-namon Uicki, dried orangei; fcrffio; gilt wax; dried moce; pecet of whcfe nt/tmeg. hozolnut*; ho^glue gun ond gkjo »nckj, ffemt'ł wire
| To do:
Artonge onncmon indu i iwo 6 equd bondes; He wiih roff>o Riżb cinnanon bundlei ond orongei wtfh gilt wax and ipcinklo moce owet ocangoi ()t w<B itick to tKe wax.) doe on cmnomon bundloi cl opf>»oxirr«łoly even ins*»vali ol ocoond. men gfeo on orongei. nytmeg cfev*i ond hazelnob FoW wire m ho*#; fwiU »o ferm Kong mg feop endi orocmd bock of wreotK ot top center I