Squeeze [Uruchomiona] - Sun VirtualBox

Maszyna Urządzenia Pomoc

'etc/fstab    f — M — 1 SOL:

854 / 855b) 0048 0x030

'etc/fstab: static file system Information.

Use 'blkid1 to print the universally unique identifier for a

device; this rnay be used ujith UUID= as a rnore robust ujay to narne devices

that ujorks even if disks are added and rernoved. See fstab(5).

<f i 1 e systern> <rnount point> <type> <options> oc    /proc    proc defaults

/ was on /dev/sdal during installation ID=fa6997a5-36fa-420d-S5cS-4dalSfb7e792 / swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation ID=617ddl2f-7c02-498e-bbl3-07eae0f9abe3 nonę ev/scdO    /rnedia/cdrornO udf,iso9660 user,noauto

ev/fdO    /rnedia/f loppyO auto rw, user, noauto





ext3    errors=rernount-r

swap    sw

0 0

o    /mc uj. a/    auiu    i ui,usci ,nuauiu u    u

. 1.8/home<------>/horne<->cifs<—>user=root,password=zaq!2wsx<—>0<----->£l


4^BE!iI sEEBHSB 6[3H=M 75HIBEB sl

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X Squeeze [Uruchomiona] - Sun VirtualBox Maszyna Urządzenia Pomoc root@debian:rncedit /etc/fstab
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