49 02

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Search of /disk1/wais/wais-sources/sci.astro....

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Results from running ąuery with: hubble AND magnitude

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□    [fil 889 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci. astro.hubble/archive/ (TEXT)

Score: 1000, Bytes: 2306

□    [fl2Q31 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/archive/ (TEXT)

Score: 940, Bytes: 2360

□    [fl2Q57 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/archive/ (TEXT)

Score: 888, Bytes: 1980

□    [f1l416 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/archive/ (TEXT)

Score: 779, Bytes: 3015

□    [fil867 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/archive/ (TEXT)

Score: 768, Bytes: 2566

□    [fl0086 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/archive/ (TEXT)

Score: 745, Bytes: 2077

□    [fl2Q01 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/archive/ (TEXT)

Score: 708, Bytes: 3009

□    [fi1052/diskl/ anonvmous/pub/s ci. astro. hubble/archive/ fTEXD_J



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44LSG03 1 889 /disk1/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/... File Edit Navigate Window
49 03 1889 /diskl/anonymous/pub/sci.astro.hubble/. File Edit Navigate Window

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