enample Property Pages

Configuration: Active(Debug)

Common Properties Configuration Properties General Oebugging o C/C++

P Unker P Marrfest Tool P XML Document Generator p 8rowse Information p Buld Events P Custom Buld Step

- Platform:    Active(Win32)

^ Cfinf iguration Manager...

□ General

Output Directory


Intermediate Directory


Extensions to Delete on Clean


Build Log File


Inherited Project Property Sheets

Enabte Managed Incremental Build


E Project Defaults

Configuration Type

Application (.exe)

Use of MFC

Use Standard Windows libraries

Use of ATI

Not Using ATL

| Character Set

| Not Set 0

Common language Runtime support

No Common Language Runtime support

Whole Program Optimization

No Whole Program Optimization

Character Set

Tels the compiler to use the specified character set; aids in localization issues.





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