Figurę 3.9

Drffcrcncial diagnosis of COPD


Onset in mid-lifc Symptoms slowty progressivc

Commonly long smoking history Rarely «t-an tury psin deficiency Rarcly primary ciliary dyskincsia

Oyspnoa duńng cxcrctse

Largcły irrcvcrsibłc airflow limrtauon


Onsct carły in lifc (often childhood) Symptoms vary from day to day Symptoms at night/carly morning

Allergy. rhimns. or cczcma also prcscnt

Family history of asthma

Rcspoods to pj-agonists: rcvcrsiblc airflow


Congcstwc hcart failure

Finc basilar cracklos on auscultatton Chcst X-ray shows dllatcd hcart. pulmonary cdcma

Pulmonary function tcsts includc volumo rcduction. not airflow limitation - no obstructive pattem


Bronchial drfation and suppuraoon Largc volumes of purutent sputum Commonły assooated with bacteoal infection

Coarsc cracklos on auscultation Chest X-ray/CT shows bronchial dilaoon. bronchial wali thickoning


Onset at all agcs

Chest X-ray shows lung infiltratc or nodular lesions

Microbiologłcal confirmation High local prcvałence of tubcrcuk>sts



Onsct in youngcr agc. non-smokcrs May havc history of rheumatoid arthritts or fume cxposure

CT on cxpiration shows hypodense areas



Most paticnts are małe and non-smokers Chcst X-ray and high-rcsołut*on CT show Almost all havc chroń* smusitis diffusc smali ccntrilobuiar nodular opacities

and hypennflation


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