rows in set <0.01 sec)
ysql> select * from preferencje where pesel="p08310501583
row in set <0.01 sec)
ysql> update preferencje where pesel=,’p08310501583,’;
RROR 1064 <42000>: ¥ou haue an error in jiour SQL syntax; check the manuał that :orresponds to your MySQL serwer uersion for the right syntax to use near *where pesel^pOSSlOBOlESS'’' at linę 1
ysql> update preferencje set id_przedszkola=,'27'’ where pesel=,'p08310501583,’;
uerji OK, 1 row affected <0.06 sec)
ows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Uarnings: 0
ysql> update preferencje where pesel=,’p08310501583,’;
RROR 1064 <42000>: ¥ou haue an error in jiour SQL syntax; check the manuał that :orresponds to your MySQL serwer uersion for the right syntax to use near *where pesel = ,’p08310501583,’, at linę 1
iysql> select * from preferencje where pesel = ,'p08310501583<’;
ysql> select * from preferencje where pesel=,'p08312405830";
rows in set <0.00 sec)
Numer_preferencji ! Id_przedszkola

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