LARdB FEATHER (mąko t|
Foundation ohalnt Cli 41.
Row 1: Sl 8t n socond ch from hook and n each oI next 4 cii Wcuking 1 tf n eacłi di, wcxk 8 sc. 8hdc.8dc. tOtr.endngwiBi8 U In tot di. Contnuing up ołhar flido ol di. workłng 1 st n oadidi. won.8u. Ode. 6hdc. 9sc. mat. hNBOl
Foundation Chain: Oi 31.
Row 1:9 st n secend di kom hock and m aadi ol n«*t 4 eh. Wortong I st «HO «MCh5 6 Mc. 5 dc. O t, endng Midi S trn list di. Contmuny ią> odm suto ol eh, wortttig 1 st m each di. wotk 9 u. 5 dc. 7 sc. 3 ai U.
Fast en on.
Foundation Chain: Ch 27.
Row 1: Si sl •» sacond di kom noc* and rt aadi ol nad 2 dv Wtortong l stn aadi di. wok 2 al st. 4 sc. 4 Mc. 5 de. 9t«. endng w*i S kn lad eh. Conmangupothw »daddl ncrfcng 1 sin aadi en. woik 9 Sr. 5 dc. 7 sc. 3 « st
• n» nad. me 4 (?nR
nwhwight wod (A* GOfds (55n» craam sipotfoio mohair (8); use A iii.i B MU logalwr mcughouł
• SecpnUHinh 40-45 gokJ 6mm cup *oqdro; 40-45 bronie 2mn Mdl
• fnfttgi I* CZScm* tog ph baofc
• totem tapwarnwdc
SMItsal |
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W*h a tapaałry noadto. weovo łi al ond»
Su eh the ioathors logothor. uang lho idioto as a guide. SUm w*h tho kx* amiA lealheia pdntog outwwd. Mn tia hvo madtan laatm. and ineh wid the laga «M laatiar. fttoap the bas* ol the teadwr*. w*i the amtf toams ouaomosi and «w tog* Manat mamat. Fal tho fnshed tedha. Vl»ien dy. aew a saqun toppoci a baad onao the toni cl the pn
n a Ci-as*ig anangement. tuntwpno«er •ndaowapnbackńplaca.
TA' |19crr» HO a 9* Ml
WmiWm ch dwa * «u»oaM kdc—kaltt&aiioDchai sc—sngeacdwt dil-dpsMch »—MMaasAd
The wool «nd mohair pin is dokghtfudy
soft and fluffy. Wear it as a boki fastening on a cozy wrap. or to adom a plain outfit. For a Jazzy look. work the IndMdual feathers In dilferent colors.
rnRer»san«ln*eł.peges 48-47 Sewng on »ads ard xqjrs.
W107 r«mg.page1t8
fd aadi row. you «ai not bo al Re