art marq

art marq


This book is graciously dedicated to my friend and teacher, James Krenov. Thanks for sharing your gift.

Front Cover.

Cedar Waxwing Cabinet, marquetry detail. Courtesy of Frań and Darrell Hulchinson. Photo by Stephen Webster.

Ubrary of Congress Cataloglng-in-Publication Data Vandall Stevens. Craig.

The art of marquetry / Craig Vandall Stevens; text written with and photography by Joy Shih Ng. p. cm.

ISBN 0-7643-0237-X ($oftcover)

1. Marquetry. I. Ng. Joy Shih. II. Title.

TT192.V26 1997

745.51*2--dc21    96-51132


Copyright © 1997 by Craig Vandall Stevens

Published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd.

77 Lower Valley Road Atglen, PA 19310

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This book is meant only for personal home use and recreation. It is not intended for commercial applications or manufacturing purposes.

Printed in Hong Kong

ISBN: 0-7643-0237-X

Designed by Bonnie Hensley


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