The land is dry, crackling undeifoot for over onetńillion acres. For the beautifuI SusannahSnell; life with her husband is as dry and ■ unrelieved as the land...and asforeboding.
Smali fires start up ih thewoods, but no one sees the dangęr lurking there except Sylyanns Morgan, ' as strońg andproud as the tali virile and arrogant as a thoroughbred. It is SyWanus, not her husband, who helps Susannah prepare for that one strong gust of wind that will ignite the countryside into an infemo. But neither are preparedfor the infemo that is ignited in their hearts.
Drawn to each other irresistably, they flght their desires until, like that one strong gust of wind, there is that moment when the ecstasy of their love mustblaze fierce andfree.
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