bldc dialog

bldc dialog

>) Błock parameters:

Brushless DC Machinę (mask)-

Detailed three phase brushless DC machinę. The input signal Tm represents the mechanical torque. in Nm. The vectorized oulput signal of width 7 contains

-    the rotational speed wm. in rad/s

-    the mechanical rotor position th. in rad

-    the electrical torque Te. in Nm

-    the cogging torque Tcog. in Nm

-    the backEMF voltages.

The back EMF voltages. the stator inductance. and the cogging torque are rnodeled as fourier series in function of the electrical rotor position.





BackEMF shape coefficients Kcn:

Cogging torque coefficients Tsn:

|[0 0 0 0 0 ] _|



BackEMF shape coefficients Ksn:

Inertia J:

|0.9727*[1/2 0 1/9 0 1/50] _]



Stator resistance R:

Friction coefficient F:

|l388 _|



Stator inductance constant LO-M:

N urn ber of pole pairs p:

|2.84e-3 _]



Stator inductance coefficients Len:

Initial rotor speed v<m0:

F -i


Stator inductance coefficients Lsn:

Initial rotor angle thmO:

^ -i


Cogging torque coefficients Ten:

Initial stator currents fiaO ibOj:




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