Motif G (make 4)
Ch 6 and join with sl st in fint ch.
KnJ /: Ch 1, work 12 sc in ring, sl st in firsr $c to join—12 sc.
ch 114.
Row I: Sc in 2nd ch fiom hook, tum—113 sc.
Kow 2: Ch 1. sc in first sc. "ch 4. skip ncxi 3 sc, sc in ncxi sc; rep fiom • OCTOM, tum—28 ch-4 loop*.
Kow 3: Ch 5. (sc, ch 4) in csch loop across, cnding with ch 2. dc in last sc, tum—27 ch-4 loops.
Row 4: Ch 1. sc in first dc. ch 3, (sc. ch 3) in cach ch-4 loop across to last loop, sc in last loop. tum—28 ch-3 loops.
Row 5: Ch I. sc in first sc. *3 sc in ncxt ch-3 loop. sc in ncxt sc; rep fiom * across— 113 sc. IV not fiisten off.
Button loop: Ch 6. working across short end <4 band. skip ncxt 4 row*. sl st in row-end sc of Row I. tum. Work 12 sc in ch-6 loop. sl st in kot sc in Row 5..Fasten off.
With tapestry necdle and yam. sew all piece* tojj following diagram helów for placcmcnt. Wcavc in loosc ends. With sewirtg nccdlc and jewing thread, sew button to end of band oppositc bulion loop. "■
NORAH GAUGHAN is 3 freclancc knitwear and crochet designer, She fwes in New Hampsłiirc
Button Loop
(reduced sampk of paturm)
Motif Ci
Mori/ C
Motif C,
Motif G
Mor./ A
Motif C
Mori/ B
Mott F
Motif E
• slip stiteh <tl >t)
— <h*in (Ch)
X tincl* crachM (K) T double <nxh«< (dc)