I In ihe summary task.
you nced to sjy tIlirię concisrly. Uking
wordt not pmmt in ihc texl». Por lite %
untences bclow, replecc the part iii
italics willi a single adjcctive formcd
from ow of thc vcrhs or nouns givcn.
Whot adjcctWcs are formcd from llic rctnaining wordt?
admirc |
aliemaie |
cxhauM |
cxpcrimcnt |
Iław |
Iwpe |
identify |
mass |
notkę |
phdosophy |
predict |
speech |
success |
understand |
UtAMPlC: l've heen givrn ihU very
Icngihynnd co tup ku liii of all thc repairs nccdcd in ihe Hat. r<ha,->U,t
a My bos$*s response to my pica for changtt in my job descripiion wai exatlly whal I wat et/wciing. b If il rains, do you lutre any othcr suffcuwm to replace mir onginal pfcms? c Bolh kidci in ihe conflici are expretiing iheir optimum tiboul an carly ceaicfire.
d Icrtmy tętnu to hor* ccdndy accrpłcd tkenontboa* Ihc break-in. t Tkał pby I went to ter la«i night was ttyiag tomethurg m in Ńi u»e ofdiałrct.
f | wai meopabU of awy repływben Kelly toki me she had quit her job g Its rernBytmy to ter how much fitter Lńm kas bccomc sincc hc started swimming rcgularly. h Your latt piece of wriling was wtihoui any mistaktt whattotrrr.
Fjctracts A-D ihow the lypc of lcxts uted in Ihe summary laik. In A and U, imporianl informatlon hasbren underlined.
Do ihe same in C and D. Then aniwer thc łjucuions bełow.
We plck up on hęalth and torial status Irom Ijcial.lęatufw. at lhown by a ment rwrarch protect where pcoplc were untnuKiOTłly atnacted to heallhy lemalet and wetlthy men. rwn wtttn tbey only had a puturę ul a lace (witliout make-up or lewdkry) to (udar iliem by.
It was in 1850. whlla worHlng ia his liny laboratory at homo. Ihat William Pet kin oroducad. qulla by ehance. Ihe colour mauve. which nol onhr rekolutlonised Ute dwa indualty bul also led to important innowalions in pertume, photography and. mosl aipnificantltf lor modern metliclne. lo Ihe dev«lopment ol asoicin.
Raiher than burgtrs and frtes belng a protfuct of tht lOCtol chinges tean ov*r (ha latt Mty yean in America, che author tu||etu ihat fest lood brandt were to a larje e»ccnt responublt for thete chan|*s.as they profotmdly affeeted both lifettyfe and diet
Tiny hnles fnund ut human teeth ettmuwd 10 bt orer 8000 yean ołd are now hekered lo be che eirhcM ewdmer of dcnmiry; for w hen thetc hola aur mmmai wtth an ckxtnw mkmscope. rcsarchers fnund their udo were too pcrfculy rounded to be causcd by htortu and Kaw iherefnre propoacd thtr they were dniled by prehistorie drnntu . .. \
1 Which informaiion in lext A n summanscJ m ihe foflowing tentente* tkopte f‘tm opiniom of oihtit by koimg *t iheu facei
Witał hu bcen omkted?
2 Which wordt in iext A couM be replaccd willi n»os or erahiaie. intlrad of the phrese ured?
3 Which underlined wordt in lexl B could be repheed by others?
5 Choose from a-f thc bot summary scntcnce for lext It, judging il by ihe inclusion of informalion, use of allcrnaiivc wordt, choice of register and condsion. Say why ihc rcmainin scntences are Ina succcssful.
a Mauve not only radically changed ihc dye indusiry bul also led lo new discovcrk of anything from perfume lo aspirin.
b By cooking up mauve in his lab, Perkin pushed ihc dyc indusiry forward and set the bali rolling in olhcr industrie too. such as perfume and pholography and aspirin.
c In accidenially discovering mauve, Perkin transformed dyeing and many olher areas. notably medicinc.
d Perkin drscorered a special pak Purple colour and this dtscomy wat rewdułionary for the dye indusiry and also for thc pharmaceutical indusiry, sincc it led to the innoration of aspirin.
c Aspirin owo Mi devciopmeni to Perkin. who found mauvr by chanie in his laboratory at borne.
f Commenitlly tpctkmg. Perkin t chence dneorny was my important, u othcr innovaiions foHowrd. for enmplc the dcwlopmcnt of aspirin.
6 Now wrile summary scntcnccs for C and D, referring to thc parts you havc underlined and using betwecii 12 and 20 words for cach.