_ Percentile: A point (a grade or score) in a distribution below which falls the percent' of cases indićated by the given seore.
Percentile Rank or Score: A riumber.indi-cating the percent of individuals who re-ceived grades below a given sćore; e.g., a percentile score of 40 means 40% of the students received lower scores.
Performance: The discriminatory power of an item on a test. •
Performance Objectiyę: The degre.e of learning'of a discrete-item or integrated skill that a student is expected to ąęhieve under certain weli-defined, clearly speci: fied conditions. '
Placement Tests: Achievement or profi-tiency tests used to place students iń a
Rank Score: The number of the posiHbfT of a score on a distribution in which all students are ranked from high to Iow. Raw Score: The score obtained by tallying ail the correct responses on a test. Reliability: (1) The accuracy with which a test or test item measures consistently what it is supposed to measure. (2) The consistency of a measure upon repeated administrations (within a brief interval) to the same group of students.
Scorability: The ease or difficulty of grad-ing tests.
Score: (1) noun The numerical grade or mark received by an individual on a test or ori part of ą test based on the number of correct responses. (2) verb To give or re-ceive such a grade.
Scorer Reliability: The consistency with
T-Test: A stątistical procedurę used to c termine whether there is any signific; difference between the means of two s of scores or between two coefficients correlation.
Validity: The degree to which a test tually measures .what it is designed measure.
Washback: The effect an examination 1 on what and how students choose study and on teaching procedures.
These definitions; are adapted fr Mary Finocchiaro and Sydney Sako, J eign Language testing (New York: Regei 1983); Andrew D. Cohen, Testing I guage Ability in the Classroom (Row! Mass.: Newbury Houśe, 1980); and ot sources.
4. If you test vocabulary, what techniques do you use ? Tick the one you use.
a) picture-cued activities -give. students a picture and ask them to identify what (e.g.
anobject) is in the picture.....................................
b) "odd word out" - e.g.(Jatmdry) brandy whisky lemonade.....................
/ ' w \ ^
c) synonyms and aritonyms - e.g. big - /sWl , beautiful- ClkObUn- ,.............
d) expanding vocabulary list - e.g. black, yellow, green ^ed-t ' ..............
e) translation of single words - e.g. kot - • cu CAr , .................; -
f) rearranging the' letters in the words - e.g. odg.- dOO- - .............,
g) (completing) definitions - e.g -.a person who cuts peóple's hainfdwóntc&Fy............
h) clóze.test - students are given ą tert.with some blanks and are to fili in the blanks
with suitable words'-.,....,......'...;.........' - .•____
i) completing sentences with one. suitable'word- e.g; Excuse me, couid you tell me
the .W«uj .. to the theatre.? ........................... ' • :
j) . multiple choice - e.g.. I can't sle&p at night because I suffer from .........................
a) cigarettes b) alcóhol c) ti'anquilU$&'sW) insomnia ..... ............
k) correct/incorrect.- e.g .Mary hąs been lonely q/;t/(miserabl^contehied sińce her
catified. .................
a) sentences translation - .....i....,-.......:.. ‘
b) .pąraphrasing - e.g. Their garden is so beautiful. They-have .-sucWo.. teO. uidid ,
c.) completion - e.g. He works -SrytoWi / a. m. -"(tO 3 p. m.. ..................■...........
d) combination - e.g. Luisa is myfriend.. She comes from Gdańsk. 1 \Af> LtOW
• .............................................................■
e) addition- e.g? Pvefmished breakfast -just - 5've- \JU-S,V .
.A o
f) rearrangement - e.g. she/good/at/is/English - SIWa. c£s ppco ai:
g) correct/incorrect - e.g: whatffo you~do7are you doins ęveiy morning,....................
h) multiple choice - e.g. she wakes up......8 a.m. a) on(bjjat c) in d) about.............
i-) -correcting mistakes - e.g. He know me qiiite well. he- u6ll,
j) cloze test - students are given a passage with some words (conceming grammar)
irussing which they are to supply...............................
k) transformator. - e.g. She answered the phone. Who ?