Clare, Michelle �ar�nny (BS)
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In my complete surrender, bound like a slave, I no longer borę any responsibility. I was a free creature at last. My bondage brought me freedom from guilt, from shame. I could succumb wholly and sink into oblirion feeling no remorse, no guilt.
Inspired by Fanny Hill’s Memoirs, Lady Charlotte Spicer recounts her own life of pleasure - her ‘tail’s tale’. Awakened to fuli womanhood by Dobson, the butler, she is later captured by pirates and sold to the Sułtan of Rabat.
She confesses how, after being seduced by her Arab master, she adjusts to life in the harem and sinks into a world of sensual debauchery. During her captivity, the evil and inventive Omar discovers further sources of perverse excitement in her; sources which change her personality from wholesome Englishwoman to depraved wanton.
ISBN 0-352-33077-5
9 780352 330772 >
Covcr photograph: John Dietrich
Adult fiction
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