Reflexive Verbs and Reflexive Constructions
Basic meaning Reflexive meaning
acercar |
to bring near |
acercarse |
to get closer |
acordar (o > ue) |
to agree |
acordarse |
to remember |
acostar (o > ue) |
to put to bed |
acostarse |
to go to bed |
colocar |
to place |
colocarse |
to get ajob |
dormir (o > ue) |
to put to sleep |
dormirse |
to fali asleep |
enfermar |
to make ill, sick |
enfermarse |
to become ill, get sick |
enganar |
to deceive |
enganarse |
to deceive oneself |
esconder |
to hide (something or someone) |
esconderse |
to hide |
Ilamar |
to cali |
Ilamarse |
to be called, named |
llevar |
to take |
llevarse eon |
to get along with (someone) |
negar (e > ie) |
to deny |
negarse |
to refuse |
parecer |
to appear |
parecerse a |
to look like (someone) |
preparar |
to prepare |
prepararse |
to get ready |
probar (o > ue) |
to try, test; to taste |
probarse |
to try on |
quitar |
to take away |
quitarse |
to take off |
sentir (e > ie) |
to feel |
sentirse |
to feel (emotionally orphysically) |
volver (o > ue) |
to return |
volverse |
to become |
lReflexivo o no ? Choose the verb with the basie or the reflexive meaning thatfits the sentence. Then write the appropriate form of the verb in the present tense.
1. AB ora, Ted
_ (preparar/prepararse) la sopa para nosotros.
2. Ted tambien
_ (preparar/prepararse) para una fiesta.
3. Si tu tomas la sopa de Ted, tu_ (enfermar/enfermarse).
4. jEsasopa_ (enfermar/enfermarse) acualquiera!
5. Elisa_ (probar/probarse) la sopa.
6. Ahora ella
7. Luisa_
8. Nancy
9. Yo_
10. Nosotros
11. Luis_
_ (probar/probarse) un vestido nuevo para ir a la fiesta.
_ (quitar/quitarse) los zapatos.
_ (quitar/quitarse) los platos de la mesa.
(llevar/llevarse) bien eon todos mis parientes.
_ (llevar/llevarse) unos regalitos para todos.
12. Berta
(acostar/acostarse) a los nińos a las ocho. _ (acostar/acostarse) en el sofa.