Compound Tenses: The Futurę Perfect and the Conditional Perfect
La duda. Escńbe la forma apropiada del futuro perfecto. Some of the participles are irregular or have spelling changes.
1. ^Quien_
2. ^Por que ella
3. Uds__
(creer) que Susie tiene treintay nueve ańos? _ (cubrirse) la cara eon tan to maquillaje?
4. Todos nosotros
5. Yo no_
(ofr) que ella es mas joven que yo. _ (hacer) la misma pregunta.
6. Pero todos Uds.
(resolver) el misterio de la edad de Susie. _ (ver) que ella no revela su edad.
En espańol. Estaremos listos para elfin de semana. Usa el futuro perfecto en tus respuestas.
1. The weather will have improved tomorrow. _
2. The mechanic will have fixed the car. _
3. I will have filled the gas tank. _
4. Willyou (tu) have picked up the clothes from the laundry (la lavandena) ? _
5. I will have bought the fruit at the market. _
6. We will have paid the bills for this month. _
In Spanish, the futurę perfect is used:
• to express an action that will take place in the futurę before another action or event.
A estas horas mańana ya ellos habran At this time tomorrow they will have left salido del pais. the country.
• to express conjecture or probability in the past.
^Quien habra tocado a la puerta? Wdio could have knocked at the door?
Larry no respondió. Se habra ido. Larry did not answer. He must have left.
• to express reservations or to question the reality of an action in the past.
Lucy habra bajado de peso pero no Lucy might have lost weight but it is not
se nota. noticeable.